Documented Healings By God

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Miracle Healing


Healed and baptized in the Holy Spirit!

At Todd White’s conference (Power & Love in Springfield MA) Laury and I volunteered to take out believers and show them how simple it is to pray for the sick and see Jesus heal.

When Marie came up to us to be trained, she was in a lot of pain and not feeling well, and she had no smiles to share with us due to her discomfort. She was the total opposite of what you see now in the video!

The second woman Jeanne, who wanted to come out with us, said she didn’t want to lay hands on people to pray because it was too uncomfortable for her to do.

Well, after speaking with both for a few minutes, we decided this was the perfect time to kill two birds with one stone and activate Jeanne and show her how easy it is to lay hands and see healing and to get Marie healed.

Jeanne began commanding healing to Marie’s body and for the pain leave in Jesus’ name. Marie’s back pain was a bit stubborn at first, but we had Jeanne keep praying and after a few minutes the back pain began to go until it was completely healed. One by one, each part of her body got healed by Jesus. By the time we went outside, her back, neck, knees, and headache were all healed and she was smiling real big!

We then hit the streets to share the Love of God and saw multiple people instantly healed, along with others who were greatly encouraged who were previously far from Jesus. In this city that many would call spiritually dark, we saw the light of Jesus piercing the darkness and bringing light everywhere we walked as Christians flooded the streets filled with power and love.

We had a fantastic afternoon of healing testimonies, and just to cap off the night, Marie was so hungry for the baptism of the Holy Spirit that we all layed hands on her and she got filled and began speaking in tongues. She was dancing and praising the Lord, filled delivered, and set free with a new outlook on what means to walk with Jesus every day! Yay God – #LivestyleChristianity