So what does a leper, the Old Testament, The new covenant, and healing today have in common?
In the Old Testament if you were touched by a leper you are considered unclean and unapproachable. But in the New Testament we find that if a follower of Christ touches a leper, the leper is made clean. (Matthew 10:8) That’s a pretty stark difference and there is much to be learned from this statement which may seem to over simplify the Old verses New, but in it much truth is revealed.
When we walk free (forgiven) in the power given to us through Jesus, which is the very same power of the same Holy Spirit that raised Christ from death, we find that we have the ability to “cleanse others” through healing. In Matthew 10:8 we find it is the leper who is made clean and healed by the power of Christ. when we believe and freely give what we have been given, for we are CHRISTians who walk in “the image of God”.
When we walk in the power of our identity in Christ, “filled with a spirit of power and love and of sound mind, given to us by God “ (2 Timothy 1:7) we no longer need to fear that we’ll be overcome by the power of sin and sickness (made unclean approaching others who are sick) because He who lives in us is greater than he who lives in the world. “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world”. 1 John 4:4
Sin and all the powers there of, have been forever defeated. Colossians 2:15 says “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” …since the coming of Jesus, the tables have been dramatically turned, the gates of Hell shall not prevail against this rock, and we are back in a position of authority through our identity in Jesus. As Christians, we are not only saved to live eternity in heaven above, but we are called to continue the work of Jesus: 1 John 3:8 ….”For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil”!
When Jesus called us to heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, and cleanse the lepers he was commanding us to go out and transform the world back to man’s original nature before the fall with Adam and Eve, and destroy the works of the Devil. He was/is calling us to be co-laborers with God, with ALL His power, in restoring Heaven on Earth! Oh what a privileged we have been called for, changing the world through God’s love, one person at a time!
When Jesus said in Luke 10:9 “heal the sick and tell the Kingdom is near” He was commanding us to go into the world and spread Gods love just as Jesus did, “who healed so many that if written one by one, the world itself could not contain the books if it would be written”. (John 21:25) ….and need I mention that in doing so, we are following Jesus who “came to destroy the works of the Devil”?
Since the day of Pentecost, He was and is calling each of us to go and spread the good news of the kingdom of God and heal the sick. Friends, Love overcomes a multitude of sins and mercy triumphs over judgement! Amen. We should not take lightly that we are His chosen servants created and chosen since the beginning, to believe in everything He spoke, and bring His Kingdom “on earth as it is in Heaven” through our new identity as CHRISTians.
That doesn’t mean we go around judging everyone, or that we have to force anyone to “say the prayer of salvation” or try to sell a passport to heaven, it just means we are called to do what is natural…. to love them, to heal them, and to share the goodness of God with them which leads a man to repent, completely of itself! Romans 2:4….”the goodness of God leads you to repentance”. And yes, by all means lead them to Jesus if the situation leads itself to that ending. But if not, trust that through your deeds, heavenly seeds have been planted deep in them which the Holy Spirit will continue to cultivate and bring to fruition (produce 30, 60, or even 100 times the fruit)!
As believing Christians, we are no longer overshadowed by sin or its power. If we will only believe and receive, and be committed to developing a stronger faith, then we will begin to see sickness bow to the name of Jesus and no longer be powerless victims to sickness in this world (sickness is ultimately the effect of living in a world of sin)
1 Peter 2:24 Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness by whose stripes you were healed.” If we will only dare to believe and walk in that robe of righteousness given to us when sin and death were defeated once and for all on the cross, we will stand with Christ in victory against sickness and sin. Sin and sickness are evil twins, when we remove one, and walk in the power of Holy Spirit, the other must go as well! When Jesus said the paralytic in Mark 2, “pick up your mat and walk, your sins are forgiven” He was demonstrating how the two are closely related “sin and sickness”. Remember John the Baptist’s words in John 1:29 “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”? Don’t forget that while here, Jesus healed ALL who came to Him while he also took away their sin! Heb 9:26 further makes this point is saying ….”He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself”
Friends, we are His children, called to believe in Him, and change this world with the power of the Holy Spirit in us, through God’s mercy and love, if we can only believe with greater faith!
Let us believe once and for all, let us fulfill what we were born to achieve, let streams of living water flow from within us, in His Holy name! Let our deeds rise to heaven above like incense of love, just as Christ gave such a sacrifice (Eph 5:2)… “And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” Amen!
May God Bless you in your walk,
Scott & Laury Levesque
Imperishable Love Ministries
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