The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Many people misunderstand the Holy Spirit, and His eternal attributes.
If you believe the Holy Spirit is some mysterious force, or a “holy river of power” for us to swim through, or mysterious power that only gets “stirred up” by our emotions, then like much of the church, you may be quite misinformed on who the Holy Spirit really is, how He works in our lives, and what is His purpose as the third person of the trinity.
There are some great studies available that reveal much about the person of the Holy Spirit which have greatly helped my own understanding of this Divine person of Spirit who lives in each born again believer.
Studies like “The Forgotten God” by Frances Chan, and “When God’s Spirit Moves” are both great studies on the person of the Holy Spirit. But I’d also like to share with you a more in-depth “gem of a resource” that I found, written by R. A. Torrey called “The Person and Work of The Holy Spirit” written in 1910 and distributed for free by the Project Gutenberg as an ebook. Simply click the link at the top of the page above or here to download this excellent resource!
In conclusion, let us not forget that perhaps the single the best way to learn more about this person of the Holy Trinity, is for each of us to spend quality time with Him, in the secret place, where He reveals God’s very nature to us, as He transforms us into the image of Jesus Himself. He is the greatest teacher alive, and He longs to teach each of us, all the hidden glory in God, through Christ Jesus!
May we all learn to hear His gentle voice and continue to grow in our understanding of God and of the Kingdom, for eternity!
God bless,
Scott Levesque
I want to hear the Holy Spirit voice!! I try by faith…I speak in tougue to connect with HIM