David Hogan Testimony: Baby Being Raised from Death
David Hogan is well know for raising the dead in the name of Jesus. David’s not your average smooth talking man of God from the city and walks out his faith like a warrior in battle every day. Reportedly he and his team have raised over 500 from death mostly in Mexico. He travels around the world and admits raising the dead is one of the least successful miracles they see since he estimates they have prayed for over 5-6 thousand deaths. But let’s be honest, for the rest of us even one (and every one) raised in the name of Jesus is a big deal!
David Hogan Mexico
David Hogan Written Testimonies
Check out these testimonies from David Hogan Ministries!
David Hogan Biography
David Hogan Bio
David Hogan was born and raised in North Louisiana. His family for generations before him were men who preached the Gospel. After being around the Gospel for many years he rebelled against hypocrisy and God and lived a hard life with drinking, gangs and violence. He and his wife Debbie were married in 1971 in Louisiana. While he was working in the oil field his wife got saved and began praying with David’s parents for his salvation. While on an airplane to the oil field in Alaska he received a direct challenge from God to be that man who was no hypocrite but sought after and walked in the power of God. He accepted Jesus as his Savior and immediately returned on the next flight.
Upon returning everything was changed and he began to pastor a small church in North Louisiana where they had many souls saved each week. Later he received the power of the Holy Spirit by being prayed for.
In 1977 after taking a trip to the mission field in Mexico he came home to find his wife also having heard from God that this place is where they were supposed to give their lives for the Gospel.
They then moved to Mexico. At this time they had two children, Jo-d and Crystal.
During language school he received an open and extended vision from God about the exact area that he was told to “start here”. Using this vision as a guide and finding the area he began ministering to the Indians of Mexico. This has been a long and hard process, pioneering a work in a place that has never had a Gospel witness. Fighting the powers of the devil along with witchcraft, idolatry and spirit worship takes the power of the Holy Ghost.
David decided to go after God for His power to see the miraculous, to see “signs following” instead of only religious hypocrisy. He began to seek God to raise the dead. After four years of intense prayer and fasting he saw the first person receive life after having died, this miracle by the power of prayer to God. God has since allowed him to be present on 28 different occasions to date where people of all backgrounds have been raised from the dead. In the work now there have been over four hundred people who have received this life after dying. This is one miracle of God among many that has affected the work.
There have been healings of every nature, with body parts being healed or recreated through prayer.
Founding Freedom Ministries in 1981, this work has reached many countries in Latin America. The work continues to grow through preaching an uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ with many missionaries coming alongside to finish the same vision of winning Mexico and the world for Jesus. There are now over six hundred churches and many missions throughout Mexico.
David and Debbie live in Mexico and now have four grown children, Jo-d, Crystal, Joy and Luis. All four of their children with their families work alongside of their parents in the ministry.
Now involved in many international ministry opportunities he continues to preach this unmoving Gospel that radically changes the way Christians think about the possibilities of God for their lives and the lives of those around them.
David Hogan: First Time Used by God to Raise the Dead
David Hogan: First Time God Used Him to Raise the Dead
David Hogan’s powerful testimony about the first time God used him to raise someone from the dead! Be inspired and have your faith lifted by what God can do with a humble man who believes the Word!