Documented Healings By God

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Dan Mohler Miracle Healing

Has My Sin Been Removed?

Free from Sin – Powerful Identity Teaching from Dan Mohler

Check out these powerful videos from Dan Mohler. Having our identity rooted in Christ is so important to overcome sin in life. This is teaching compilation about living free from sin! It’s a powerful reminder of all the places in scripture that help us stay free from remaining slaves to sin, and getting free from the our old identity as a “sinner”, rather than a son of God. (See link below videos for a free E-book on finding your Identity through Christ)

Download here your Free-E-book Identity in Christ

Dan Mohler

Dan Mohler How to Be Transformed into the Image of Christ

How to be Transformed by Faith!

This is an awesome teaching by Don Mohler on how to pray from your hearts desires and see real transformation. It’s a powerful teaching that changed my life dramatically a few years back. I prayed like that for over a year and saw more growth in one year than in 25 years of trying to change by my own strength. His grace is transforming!

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