Man’s Ankle and Side instantly healed by Jesus!
Watch as this man gives his surprised healing testimony to Aliss Cresswell at her Miracle Cafe in the UK ….Healed in the name of Jesus!!
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Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Man’s Ankle and Side instantly healed by Jesus!
Watch as this man gives his surprised healing testimony to Aliss Cresswell at her Miracle Cafe in the UK ….Healed in the name of Jesus!!
Healing Testimony from the Miracle Cafe with Aliss Cresswell
Amazing! New Skin grows in one week!!! Don’t ever lose faith, some miracles take time 🙂
Jesus is Lord!
Watch this amazing testimony of healing as told by Aliss Cresswell
You won’t believe this one as seen on “It’s supernatural” with Sid Roth!! It will “shatter” what you think is possible in the name of Jesus! …..God is good, Jesus is Lord!