Don’t miss this important message and catch the ending where the Lord is calling us higher!!!! The days are approaching where every Christian will need to rise up in faith.
Bones healed by prayer miracle
Broken, missing, or deformed bones healed by documented miracle or medical miracle
Smith Wigglesworth Testimonies- April 1920
Luke 10:19-22.It is more important our unity with Jesus than anything else. When our hearts are in perfect tune then we can have confidence before God. It is more important than casting out evil spirits, but it brings the casting-out of evil spirits. Greater is He that is in you than the power of Satan. …
Man Instantly Healed After 19 Years of Pain!
Jesus Heals Man after 19 Years in Pain! ….more Miracles on Methadone Mile
Joshua was super skeptical when Laury and I prayed for him in Boston but was very courteous to let us pray. He also seemed very sad and oppressed but when he got healed after two quick prayers, he was both shocked yet smiling with great joy in his heart. His whole demeanor changed and when he walked by again an hour later, he wasn’t limping and was still smiling. That was a couple months ago and he’s still walking without pain!
Knee Instantly Healed in Boston – Happy Man!
Knee Healed then Man Skips without Cane!
Jose was limping really bad with his cane as he approached us so we flagged him down Sunday on the streets of Boston. We gave him a sandwich and a drink and then prayed for his knee. He said it was an eight out of ten. Two quick prayers in Jesus name and it went to zero, but he didn’t get excited until he started walking without a limp. Then he said “wait until my friends see me now! …I got no pain, for real!!! …thank you Jesus”
It was a delayed reaction but he was very happy to be healed and then began spinning his cane around as he skipped down the sidewalk.
We generally see several knees healed every weekend, but this guy was so happy I had to get his testimony on video!
For more healing testimonies of Jesus from around the world, or prayer requests, go to
Miracles on Methadone Mile Boston MA
Miracles in Boston MA
We hit the streets every week, ministering to the homeless, praying for the sick, and blessing the poor and we see people touched by Jesus and healed every week. Not only are they healed, but seeds of hope are planted, and watered, as God gives increase as His goodness leads them to repentance. MANY hearts are turned back to the Father as they begin to see hope that they will indeed find their way out of the bonds of addiction and poverty.
Check out this interview with me, our friend Garth, and Brandt Gillespie formerly with the Christian Broadcast Network and now head of Media Productions at Lion of Judah church. See how it all started and where the Lord has lead our efforts these past three years!
May you be encouraged to step out in faith, be the light of the world, and see miracles, signs, and wonders in your everyday life!
Leg-Brace Removed after 4 Years of Pain Instantly Healed!
Catch this testimony of an instant healing! When I approached him for prayer, he said he had no pain for the last couple weeks. I asked if someone on the prayer team had prayed for him back then and he said yes our friend Garth. It turns out he had all kinds of metal in his leg from an accident and was in terrible pain for four years, …that is until Garth prayed the prayer of faith, and he got instantly healed by Jesus four weeks ago! He retired his brace two days after getting healed and said he won’t be needing it any longer! Yay God!
Manchester NH – Man Formerly Paralyzed With Leg Braces Walks After Prayer
We met Bruce about a year ago when he was in full length leg braces. He had been in a terrible accident with paralysis in his legs. They said he’d never walk without the braces, and to be honest, Bruce didn’t believe he’d walk without them either. But he was open to prayer so we prayed for him a couple different times and Jesus strengthened and healed his legs within a couple months! Jesus is amazing! Make him your Lord if you haven’t, he’s worth following 🙂
Man Healed and Walks two days after breaking both ankles!
Man Healed and Walks two days after breaking both ankles! Jesus is Lord!
Check out this amazing healing testimony! It’s from 2014 but worth reposting! Five of us went to the Topsfield fair in eastern MA on Sunday OCT 12th to pray for the sick and minister the good news.
One of the first people we encountered was a young man who was in a wheelchair wearing soft casts on his feet. We asked what had happened and he went on to explain how two days earlier he was fishing and fell off some rocks and broke both ankles. At the time we didn’t know how bad it was but later he shared these photos of the ankles.
Our friend Garth, his two boys, and my soon to be wife Laury and I were there all praying and declaring healing over this man. Garth with his tenacious nature and his boys were the ones doing most of the laying on of hands as Garth had the man stand to test the healing. He said there was definitely some immediate improvement so we blessed him and we left. About ten minutes later, the guy tracked down Laury while we visited the men’s room. He said that he could feel his casts getting looser as the swelling was decreasing and that he felt 90% healed and he seemed so happy. I asked if he could text me the pics from two days ago and if he would send me an update later when he got home that night.
Well, about 90 minutes later, I received this video below. We always expect great miracles but even we were so excited to see such a quick recovery. I honestly think it’s no harder for Jesus to heal all sicknesses this quickly. The bible testifies to many such healing events and I’m believing we’ll start seeing more and more like this as well. How awesome is our God!!!!!
*** 10/15/2014 UPDATE: I just received confirmation from this man who went back to his Dr. this morning , walked in, got re-x-rayed, and the Dr. said he no longer has broken bones – they are healed!!! He said it all looks good, take it easy for a week and you can return to work. Jesus is amazing!
Every one of us there prayed for several people during the day and we saw amazing results and miracles. One of the last people Laury and I prayed for on the way out was scheduled for a knee replacement but she received a new knee from Jesus and walked out without a limp or a cane. It’s been so amazing every week to see such miracles. I am truly humbled by God’s love.
Scott L
Two Women Instantly Healed of Back Pain in Boston!
Back Pain Healed in Boston!
Laury and I prayed for the women on the right who was hurting and very miserable with chronic back pain and knee pain three weeks earlier, but look at her now! She’s still pain free and looking great! We also prayed for her friend just before taking this video and now she is also pain free. Jesus is worthy, He is amazing!
Man stunned by a demonstration of the love of Jesus and says he’s “awkwardly amazed” by the miracle!
We met Caesar last week and he shared his amazing testimony he found Jesus and was born again 3 years ago and how his life has drastically changed for the better. He loves Jesus with all his heart and is certainly a believer! He also told us he goes to a local church which he loves very much. On this day, he witnessed a new side of Jesus he had never experienced before! Christ, the hope of Glory, our healer!
Scott & Laury Levesque
Imperishable Love Ministries
Todd White Healing Through God’s Love – Amazing LOVE!!!
Todd White Testimony of Amazing Love
I posted this amazing testimony of love, in 2015- it became the single my most viewed posts on this site, and is a great reminder of what the love of Jesus looks like when we become the son’s and daughter’s that creation longs to see… His Children, created in His image, made to become the face of His love!
Check out this amazing testimony of Todd White healing. His display of love should take our walk to a whole new perspective. What an example of walking like Jesus Todd has become!!! A walking epistle and an inspiration to all believers…Love you Todd 😉
Woman in tears after knees are healed!
Woman in tears after knees healed by Jesus in Manchester NH!
I love it when people are so touched by the love of God healing them, that they can not help but cry tears of joy! We see this very often when we are on the streets praying for the sick and it never gets old! A couple people on our team prayed for this women who was so overwhelmed by the love of God that she broke out in tears. Previously she couldn’t bend her knees and suffered with terrible pain at a level 10, but Jesus healed her! Yay God 😉
Man Healed and Walks Normal with Crushed Pelvis
More Miracles in NH!
This is the testimony of Jimmy who was in great pain having trouble walking after a terrible accident 6 weeks earlier when he got hit by a car. I saw him walk into the park with great difficulty and a heavy limp. We talked for a while about some questions he had regarding the Bible. then I asked if he had pain anywhere and he said he had pain in his entire body (10 out of 10 pain level). After two quick prayers, Jesus took all his pain away, and he walked normal, with amazement! I took the second video because he got back up in total awe of what happened, testing his new healing. It was a fun day watching Jesus heal so many people including one women who had a lump in her breast from cancer, completely disappear! Jesus is Lord!
More testimonies from the other men who were healed
Neck and Shoulder Pain Healed by Prayer after 35 Years!
In Pain Since 1980 – Healed by Jesus!
Laury and I prayed for this nice Veteran at a soup kitchen in Lowell MA. He said he was in severe pain since 1980 and that the meds they gave never helped with the pain. I think Laury and I prayed twice, and immediately the pain left and he was so amazed that, he just stared at the wall trying to figure out where all the pain was gone after 35 years. Then 2-3 weeks later, our friend Garth captured this video testimony where he was still pain free. In this video, you can see the peace in this man’s face and eyes which is quite different from the day we prayed for him when he was tormented with such pain. It’s not unusual to see such changes in people after they get healed – I love seeing Jesus touch lives like this!!
Miracles happen – Jesus still Heals – Yay God!
16 years of back pain gone!
16 years of back pain gone – Miracle healing!
This man came out of his UPS store in Manchester to take a break right after we had prayed for a man and his wife who both got their hearing back (the 50+ y/o woman was deaf since four years old), but that’s another testimony for another day. This man was reluctant at first to let us pray but by the time Jesus healed him, in the end he was literally hugging all of us and super happy we had asked if he had pain! Jesus showed up 🙂
Healings from NH to OH …. And back!
Family from OH drives 12 hours to get Kickstarted!
Two weeks ago, Laury and I and our good friend Garth from JGLM ministries had the privilege of Kickstarting another family who drove an RV 12 hours, all the way from Akron OH to learn how to pray for the sick. Almost every weekend for the past several months, we’ve been Kickstarting a person, a family, or a small church group who are all now seeing healing, deliverance, baptisms, and salvations, bearing much fruit for the Kingdom!
Kickstarting is the term our good friend Torben Søndergaard taught us last year, which basically represents the same method that Jesus used in the Bible to disciple His followers. First He modeled healing and showing the Kingdom, then He sent out his apostles to do the same (Matthew 10), then he sent out the seventy (Luke 10) saying, “Behold I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and (physical and mental strength and ability) over all the power that the enemy (possesses): nothing in any way shall harm you.” Kickstarting (discipling) is nothing new here…This is the same model that our Lord (who created all things), gave to us and we are simply following Him in His example given to us. (Mark 16:15)
What were the results back then? The seventy returned with joy, saying “Lord even the demons are subject to us in Your name!” And what did Jesus say? He said “I saw Satan falling like a lightning (flash) from heaven.” When Jesus had sent out the seventy, He witnessed the first real example of what His instructions and His template & design to restore the earth would accomplish ….to dethrone Satan ( I saw Satan FALLING!), to destroy the works of the devil, and for “His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”! Yay God that he would entrust such a glorious work to His Sons and Daughters to pour out His spirit through us, and cover the whole earth with His Glory. Seriously, can you catch the weight of that privilege to be called Sons and Daughters and follow His example with the same results. My heart is so stirred with both excitement and awe at the same time, for His marvelous plan to unfold as we each grow in His love, His grace, and His faith!
Well, this wonderful family that drove all the way from Akron, experienced some life changing miracles as we trained them to lay hands on the sick. The video below is one of their first encounters with a case of spinal stenosis. They said their lives have been forever changed as a result and I know they will continue to take what they learned, and teach others to step out in faith and watch Jesus build His Kingdom on the streets! Jesus is King!
Please contact us anytime if you would like to be Kickstarted or discipled and watch the gifts of the Spirit flow through Jesus!
Scott & Laury Levesque
Man’s Hearing Restored and Back Healed in Manchester NH
Two with deafness healed in Manchester NH!
The Kingdom of Heaven is near….Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Yesterday we took out a beautiful family (Lori, her husband Peter, and their two children) who had contacted us to hit the streets and get Kickstarted praying for the sick.
What a productive day we had with The Lord! Each family member saw from 2-6 people get healed for a total of 12-15 healed that I can personally recall.
At one point my wife Laury and Lori M. prayed for a man I who believe was born mostly deaf and had a hearing aid in one ear. When they prayed, he said he heard popping in his ear and then instantly started hearing without his hearing aid! Yay God.
My wife Laury and Garth kept lining up people in need and we saw each family member individually pray for backs, hips, feet, legs, and knees and Jesus healed every one! It was awesome 🙂
Later we came across this man Eddy in a wheelchair scooter who had back pain at a level eight out if ten. Peter prayed and all pain left after three short prayers. Then we all prayed for his ears (including our friends Dennis and June) and his hearing gradually started to come back each time we prayed. After a few prayers I asked what percent was back and he said 50%. We kept pressing in for his healing and after about four more prayers he said it was 100% back! Jesus is the healer.
In a later conversation Eddy (the man just healed), asked when are you guys going to start holding healing services, he said “there’s a need and I would bring my friends and family” …..When the Lord opens that door, we will enter 🙂
For now, we are going to the streets and the marketplaces seeking the lost, the hurt, the broken hearted, and the poor.
Send more Lord, send more!
Homeless Boston woman healed, delivered, fed, and set free by Jesus!
Homeless Boston woman healed
This is the story of the homeless Boston lady by the name of Jewel who encountered the Love of Jesus. it’s a bit long, but worth the read I think. Sometimes ministering on the streets can get a bit messy but God is good all the time and love never fails 🙂
A few of us who gather together each weekend, had come up out of the Boston MBTA subway at the Boston Common specifically to lay hands on the sick. When we first arrived, 11 year-old Jacob who has been hungry to see his faith grow, had healed a guy on the sidewalk with an infection and pain in his ankle, then we crossed the street over to the Boston Common. Laury (my awesome wife) had just given a sleeping alcoholic her shirt to lay his head on, then she and my friend Garth prayed over him to be delivered from alcohol addiction, for he had said that he wanted/needed a drink. Afterward, he said he did not need a drink anymore.
Meanwhile, 11 year-old Jacob had pointed out to me a woman asleep on the grass a little distance away, saying she needed prayer. If I’m honest, my “flesh” thought this might get messy and hesitated for a second, but how could I refuse at the prompting of an 11 year-old boy? So I went over to the woman, and Garth followed a minute or so later and joined me. As it turned out, the woman was contemplating suicide (she had attempted suicide twice before), and was very thankful that we woke her up, because she had concluded that nobody cared about her anymore. In fact, before she went to sleep, she had prayed earnestly that God would send someone to her. She said that earlier in the day a man approached her and said that he would give her something to eat if she performed a certain act, but of course she refused.
Seeing that we were Christians, she pulled out a ragged paperback Bible to show us that she believed in God, and thanked God that we had come to encourage her. At this point, we had made her day just by showing her that someone cared about her. She was not expecting all that God was going to do for her through us, however God had another plan!
Initially, she began pouring out her story of difficulty as a young girl abused, repeatedly insisting that we not interrupt her, and to let her finish, because she “had to get it out.” When she was a child, she was placed in unspeakable situations to support someone’s drug addiction. She explained that her desire was to honor her mother, but she had to get away from that home to avoid the circumstances and stay safe, but felt she had dishonored her mom in a way. So she moved away and this had tormented her for years. Recently she came to Boston to bury her mother, for her mother had died and she sincerely wanted to honor her mother. Now she was homeless.
Worse than that, she said that two days before she had been in a wheelchair, and could still hardly walk. She had had seizures, but could not afford the anti-seizure medicine, so the homeless shelters had refused her, not being willing to deal with such a situation. She was oppressed to the point of bondage and mental anguish to all this, and still was not even of sound mind at this point. She would have ranted on and probably ask us for money to pay for those medications.
After she had vented a bit after maybe 20 minutes, we got control of the conversation, and when I asked her what her pain level was, on a scale of 0 – 10, she said “100.” Garth and I both began speaking life over her, and as the pain went down, she began to calm down. We continued to the point that she said that it was “much better,” and told her to stand up, which she did not think she could do. But she did (on her own), and we prayed over her some more as she became more and more coherent. She became so grateful for this progress that she said that this was enough, and began thanking God, but we insisted that all the pain had to go.
At this point after a few minutes, she was communicating perfectly normally and of sound mind.
She said that she was hungry, that she had not eaten all day long, so we asked her what she wanted, and she gave us an order for a double cheeseburger, onion rings, and soda. But at this point she could walk well enough that she said she would come with us, and began to pack her bag with her belongings.
But first, she wanted to know why we had come to her like this in her time of need. What prompted us? I said it was 11 year-old Jacob. She was surprised that it was a boy, and praised God for him, wanting to meet him. Garth pointed him out to her and beckoned him to come. He was lying on the ground with my two boys over him, and did not come. We found out that he had just fell and badly hurt his knee. He could not get up.
At this point we told her that he had just been injured, but that she should come lay her hand on him and it would be healed, just like what had just been done to her. We all walked over to him and and Garth told her to command that his knee be healed, in Jesus’ name. That is just what she did. She put her hand on his knee, spoke healing to him, the pain instantly left his knee, and he got up.
We all proceeded to the nearby Burger King, got the food for her, and some for the three boys (Garth’s two and Jacob). The four of them sat at a small table and ate and talked, while the rest of us encountered a number of other people at the fairly crowded Burger King who needed healing, all of whom left pain-free, including one older woman with a cane who had Arthritis, fibroid-myalagia, and four young ladies in this video:
At one point we looked and saw Jacob hand her one, two, three five dollar bills out of his pocket – that was his entire spending allowance for the day and he gave it all to Jewel!
We asked Jewell about her pain level one more time while she was at Burger King and she said she had a pain level of 2/10. It immediately went to zero and she was completely pain free. Her face was almost shining, so full of joy and peace by the time we left, you would not know she was the same woman who, one hour earlier, had a face that was twisted by thoughts of suicide, tormented by pain, and darkened by despair.
It is at that point that we got some video footage of her in the Burger King. The video ends with her breaking out in a song of praise for Jesus, walking through the crowded Burger King singing a beautiful melody, and when finished almost everyone in the place was clapping for her!
It was a really good day watching lives transformed in the name of Jesus! Yay God- thank you Jesus!
Scott L and Garth W
Miracle Healing – Wires from Heart Surgery Instantly Dissolve!
Bethel Healing Testimony: Man cured of Chronic Pain in Sternum!
Check out this simple testimony of how a man’s pain was healed along with metal wires dissolving in his chest! Jesus is the healer!
Bruce Van Natta Testimony: Angels help man crushed by 10,000 lb truck
Bruce Van Natta Should Have Died in Minutes, with a Crushed Spine, 5 Severed Arteries, Small Intestines Destroyed and little hopes of survival…..
But God restored all these through one of the most amazing miracles you will ever hear!!
I posted this back in 2013 but it ‘a worth reposting for those of you who missed it!