Luke 10:19-22.It is more important our unity with Jesus than anything else. When our hearts are in perfect tune then we can have confidence before God. It is more important than casting out evil spirits, but it brings the casting-out of evil spirits. Greater is He that is in you than the power of Satan. …
Documented Chronic Sickness Healed
Documented healing of chronic or terminal sickness: Documented Medical miracles
Smith Wigglesworth: Man dying from Cancer Healed
Smith Wigglesworth: Man dying from Cancer Healed
Oh how I love the faith and confidence of old Smith Wigglesworth!
It is my prayer that believers today will grow to trust in God’s Word and believe
with such abandon, that the world cannot deny the love of God! Check out
this amazing testimony from Smith Wigglesworth’s teachings!
How many of us believe the Word? It is easy to quote it, but it is more
important to have it than to quote it. It is very easy for me to quote,
“Now are we the sons of God,” but it is more important for me to know
whether I am a son of God. When the Son was on the earth He was
recognized by the people who heard Him. Never a man spake like Him .
His word was with power, and that Word came to pass.
Sometimes you have quoted, “Greater is he that is in you than he that is
in the world,” and you could tell just where to find it.
But brother, is it so? Can demons remain in your presence? You have to be
greater than demons. Can disease lodge in the body that you touch?
You have to be greater than the disease. Can anything in the world stand
against you and hold its place if it is a fact that “greater is He that is in you
than he that is in the world”? Dare we stand on the line with the Word of God
and face the facts of the difficulties before us?
I can never forget the face of a man that came to me one time. His
clothes hung from him, his whole frame was shrivelled, his eyes were
glaring and glassy, his jawbones stuck out, his whole being was a manifestation
of death. He said to me, “Can you help me?” Could I help him?
Just as we believe the Word of God can we help anybody, but we must
be sure we are on the Word of God. If we are on the Word of God It must take
I looked at him I told him that I had never seen anybody
alive that looked like him. I said, “What is it? He answered with a breath
voice, “I had a cancer on my chest. I was operated on and in removing
the cancer they removed my swallower; so now I can breathe but cannot
He pulled out a tube about nine inches long with a cup at the
top and an opening at the bottom to go into a hole. He showed me that
he pressed one part of that into his stomach and poured liquid into the
top; a living death.
Could I help him? See what the Word of God says:
” … whosoever … shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have saith” (Mark 11:23).
God wants to move us on scriptural lines. On those lines I said, “You shall
have a good supper tonight.” But, he said “I cannot swallow.” I said, “You shall
have a good supper tonight.” But he repeated “I cannot swallow.” ….. I said,
“You shall have a good supper; now go and eat.”
When he got home he told his wife that the preacher said he could have good supper
that night. He said, “If you will get something ready I’ll see if I can swallow.” His wife
got a good supper ready and he took a mouthful. He had had mouthfuls before but they
would not go down. But the Word of God said “whatsoever,” and this mouthful went down,
and more and more went down until he was full up! Then what happened?
He went to bed with joy of the knowledge that he could again swallow, and he wakened the
next morning with the same joy! He looked for a hole in his stomach, but God had shut that
up when he opened the other.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Faith is the word. You were begotten of the Word, the Word is in you, the life of the Son is in you, and God wants you to believe!
Women in Boston Instantly Healed of Pain and Delivered of Depression by Jesus!
Another journal entry from the front lines in Boston: We continue to see the goodness of God and the light of His Kingdom spreading on the streets where many are repenting and coming back to a walk with the Lord and others are coming to know Him for the first time. The harvest is ripe!
Women Healed From MS by Jesus
Women Healed From MS by Jesus – Medically Documented
She was beaten down by her sickness, had given up on God, she took her eyes off Jesus, and wanted to die. This is what the enemy does to try and get every believer’s eyes off of Jesus. But if you will keep your eyes on Him and stand believing that His love is everlasting, his Grace will empower healing through faith, and we can walk in victory. This is the promise of His covenant, if we will only believe!
Miracles on Methadone Mile Boston MA
Miracles in Boston MA
We hit the streets every week, ministering to the homeless, praying for the sick, and blessing the poor and we see people touched by Jesus and healed every week. Not only are they healed, but seeds of hope are planted, and watered, as God gives increase as His goodness leads them to repentance. MANY hearts are turned back to the Father as they begin to see hope that they will indeed find their way out of the bonds of addiction and poverty.
Check out this interview with me, our friend Garth, and Brandt Gillespie formerly with the Christian Broadcast Network and now head of Media Productions at Lion of Judah church. See how it all started and where the Lord has lead our efforts these past three years!
May you be encouraged to step out in faith, be the light of the world, and see miracles, signs, and wonders in your everyday life!
Woman Healed of Fibromyalgia in Manchester NH
Woman Healed of Fibromyalgia in Manchester NH
We see a lot of Fibromyalgia these days and I’m convinced this disease is a condition of demonic oppression because it leaves so quickly when we pray. I give credit to our good friend Garth who last year showed us how easy it is to kick out this disease and since then we’ve seen many cases healed. The follow up on this woman was that two weeks later Garth and a woman he was “kickstarting” prayed for the last bit of pain which instantly left her body! In the video, Garth had already prayed for this woman about 10 minutes earlier who was still in the process of getting healed from fibromyalgia (she said felt heat through her body and across her back) then, Garth grew out her leg and her hip got healed! Listen to the woman’s description of what happened when Garth first prayed – Fire from heaven – love these testimonies!! Jesus is King 🙂
Woman Instantly Healed of COPD – Confirmed by Doctor!
Women Instantly Healed of COPD and confirmed by her Doctor!
Two weeks ago, my wife Laury and our friend Garth prayed over this woman Cheryl who suffered from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), which is a disease that makes it very hard to breath, is incurable by conventional means, and usually gets worse with time.
When they prayed, they commanded it to go and she was instantly healed from that disease. Garth had her test it and take a deep breath and she had no more difficulty breathing. She then went to her pulmonary doctor last week and the doctor confirmed that she no longer had any COPD and he said was completely healed and that he was making a permanent note/record of such in her files.
She now is going for a cardio stress test which if she passes, she can be employed again!
In the last year, we’ve seen three people with COPD and two with emphysema healed – two were on oxygen and no longer need it. Jesus is all powerful!
Jesus said in the bible (John 10:10b): “I came that they may have life and and that they may have it more abundantly”
His word is true, He said “only believe”!
New Video from Torben Sondergaard in England
Check out this amazing video from our friend Torben Sondergaard at the – It’s full of Healing, Water Baptisms, Holy Spirit Baptisms, and Discipleship training…… Yay God!
Boy’s Autism Healed!
Walk by faith, speak words of life that agree with God’s will to heal, and watch what happens as this boy is healed of autism! Jesus is the healer!
3 Days of Non-Stop Healing Testimonies from NH
Check out how the Spirit of God is being poured out in NH in three days 12/13 to 12/15. This is the normal Christian life if we will just believe!
We’ve been hitting the streets every Saturday since Torben Sondergaard’s visit to NH/MA in July. The number of healing experiences and salvations has been amazing and grows each week in power. So many testimonies we often don’t post most of them, but here are a few from just what my wife Laury and I witnessed this past weekend. Others on the team saw similar healing as we often move separately as “mini-pods” with unique testimonies flooding the places we visit. This actually only some of what we experienced over 7hrs on ONE Saturday! One other note worth mentioning, in the past 6 weeks we’ve seen athiests, agnostics, Muslims, and Budhists all healed in the name of Jesus! Jesus is Lord….Yay God 🙂
At the feeding center Saturday we prayed for Women with back/sciatic pain and with a tumor on her back-all pain left and after three prayers the tumor disappeared. Then she received Jesus as Lord and we asked for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, ….she got hosed and she said she felt happy.
Two women in anguish got prayed for and wept after being touched by the love of God . They got filled with the peace of Jesus.
Another mans pain went down to zero in his knees after prayer and he had far greater movement afterwards. So many people have been healed at the feeding center these past 5 weeks that each week we see less and less sick people to pray for (yay!)….they are all getting healed in the name of Jesus. One day, I know we’ll be hitting hospitals in every city and doing the same!
Later at lunch I got a word that a 55 year old man’s knee was in pain from a sports injury after High School – He was a bit freaked out that we knew that and only let us briefly pray once, but he felt relief!
Later in Walmart we saw a woman’s foot completely healed, four different women with various back pain/sciatic issues healed, three women with hip pain healed, three women with canes and knee pain healed, one man with hip and knee pain healed, I got a word of knowledge about arthritis with a sweet older women in her back – two prayers and she went from a pain level of 8 to zero and was healed, a women in a scooter with polio felt all the pain leave her back and legs after three prayers, and a sweet 92 year old women who had stomach pain got healed and was so moved that she wept and and praised God for healing her and thanked us several times with great joy in her face (she got hit hard by the presence of God). It was precious and beautiful!
On Sunday we prayed for a man with a bad knee at a local church and his knee got healed. Then at mom’s nursing home we prayed for an ankle injury on a kitchen worker who got healed, and then we prayed for a 92 Y/O women (patient) with a broken tailbone who’s pain went to zero- she also had arthritis in her hands with pain unable to move them. All pain left after 3-4 prayers and she had total movement and said they felt very hot! Jesus! Amazingly we’ve been praying for a chance to raise the dead and the night ended with God giving us a chance to pray to raise someone who died while at the nursing home while we were still there. We had faith she would rise and layed hands on her since she was in the bed beside mom’s, but I believe she was already in heaven and wouldn’t come back (hey I can’t blame her!)…I believe we’ll see the dead raised here soon enough because Jesus said so….next one!
Then, last night at mom’s nursing home a nurses attendant got healed of oppressive fatigue, and calf cramps and then an LNA got healed of sciatic pain and hip degenerative pain. We are starting to see more and more staff members (and patients) healed at the nursing home! Jesus is alive and well in NH!
…all creation anxiously awaited for what is being revealed today – Just Believe!
This is a video of a typical healing in Walmart (three weeks ago)!
Healing others during our own trials with Todd White
Can we still heal while we carry our own sickness?
Check out this amazing testimony of Lynn Marie who was healing the sick and sharing the love of God even in her own worst trials at the hospital. She has an amazing heart of love and a deep desire to share Jesus, and she never lets her daily trouble get in the way of her greater calling – what a great example! I heard Todd give testimony that he laid hands on many at the rehab center when he was recovering from knee surgery, and many got instantly healed while he was in still his own pain! If we keep our eyes on Jesus, He is faithful 😉
Amazing Healing on the streets of MA!
Check out this testimony from my friend Garth with JGLM ministries, preaching and healing on the streets last week in MA….
I was out on the streets with some people from my team and we came upon a sidewalk ice cream vendor who needed physical healing in his rib cage after an accident/injury. I put my hands on him and he was healed, pain-free, and could breath deeply again.
He was a believer, but not baptized in the Spirit, so I offered to pray over him for that. He accepted, was baptized in the Spirit, and spoke in tongues.
A few minutes later a customer came by, and I found out that the customer had knee pain. That’s when I started recording this video. I told the ice cream vendor to put his hands on the guy’s knee and heal him. He did, and the customer’s knee was instantly healed. The ice cream vendor was overwhelmed by the power of God and in tears. It was certainly a life-changer for him.
(and if that wasn’t cool enough, don’t miss the amazing prophetic words spoken by this ice cream vendor – wow!)
Macular Degeneration Totally Healed!
Check out how this blind Policeman got healed by Jesus!
Wow, Greg Spenceer even came off of disability payments due to his documented miracle healing!
Amazing Autism Miracle Healing – Bethel Church Testimony
Autism Miracle Healing – Bethel Church Testimony with Chris Gore
Check out this amazing healing testimony of a child with Autism! Healed by Jesus…. “the Shalom of heaven” fell upon her!
God is good! Jesus is Lord!
Life Church Healing Miracle – The story behind “Dance Again”
Life Church Healing Miracle – Amanda Varty
What an amazing testimony of faith….. dare to believe! Praise Him, Worship Him, Sing Songs of Gladness to Him, even when you don’t feel Him or see Him, He remains faithful. God is so good! Don’t let the difficult circumstances of life rob you of a relationship with Him. Don’t let pain, sickness, suffering, or tragedy separate you from His love. Our eternal destiny with Jesus is far greater than any troubles found in our short time in this fallen world. Dare to believe and you just might find your miracle!
2 Cor 4:17-18
17 For our light, momentary affliction (this slight distress of the passing hour) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory [beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations, a vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!],
18 Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting.
Amazing Heart Healing – Georgian Banov Testimony
Man Terminally Ill Healed from Congestive Heart Failure by Jesus at Georgian Banov Service
Nick was terminally ill after two open heart surgeries, with six months to live and lots of pain, but Jesus had something to say about that… Now he is pain free and healed and confirmed normal after several heart exams!
Jesus is the same, yesterday today and forever!
Women Being Healed of MS – Georgian Banov Testimony
This precious woman had MS for more than a decade, and had not walked for THREE YEARS.
A few nights prior she had gotten up out of her wheelchair for the first time in three years. Each day she is getting better and better. Just one of the healings seen at the Northwest Healing Explosion held in Seattle, WA Nov 20-30, 2008
…and Jesus healed them all. –Matthew 12:15
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. –Hebrews 13:8
Man Healed From Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Miracle
Watch this man’s story as God came into his heart, then God healed him of Multiple Sclerosis. Believe in the power of Jesus, and claim your healing!!
Documented Lupus Healing
Lupus Healed by the Power of God
Don’t miss this amazing testimony of how God’s Love not only healed this women, but restored life and her energy to regain all the outdoor activities they once enjoyed in their marriage. God is so good!
Dan’s Cancer Death Sentence Turns Into a Miracle!
Dan Fazzina’s Cancer Miracle
Dan Fazzina was diagnosed with a grapefruit sized tumor in his chest when he was just 27. Without major chemo, doctors said he only had three weeks to three months to live. The tumor was crushing his heart and organs. After treatments of chemo with little hope, Dan cried out to God asking to be healed.
Half way through treatments, the tumor was gone, ….no evidence, no scar tissue, no tumor! There’s always hope when it comes to God, don’t give up! God is so Good, Jesus is Lord.