This is our new brother in Christ, Lee Adams. God was pursuing Lee’s heart for almost two years until he came to this place where he knew that he wanted to repent, believe in Jesus, be baptized in water, and filled with the Holy Spirit. He contacted Laury and I and a couple days later, he did it all and became a new creation in Christ!! It took a couple minutes for him to receive tongues but the gift came in the end of the video – Yay God, ….He’s a good good father!
We look forward to helping Lee grow in his new identity as a son of God and watching the wonderful things unfold that God has planned for Lee! Welcome to the family Lee!
If you want to turn away from the sin of the world, or to dedicate your life to Jesus and place your faith in Him, or to be baptized in water, and or to be filled with the Holy Spirit, send us an email to or fill out the form below and we’ll be happy to talk with you about your next steps in becoming fully alive in your walk with God.
In July of 2014 our friend from Denmark, Torben Sondergaard from agreed to lead at a 4 day healing and discipleship training event I hosted here in NH and MA. Over 90 people attended from 13 states, and I believe the event was the start of a great revival for the church as the Bride of Christ prepares for His return.
Since the event, we’ve seen an awesome awakening where several of us have been hitting the streets for almost 2 years now, watching God transform life after life. People are getting healed, delivered, and set free from pain, sickness, and spiritual death everywhere we go. Salvation and the good news of the gospel are being preached and many are coming to know God’s love and truth for the very first time. The simplicity of the full Gospel with fresh perspective on repentance, faith in Jesus, water baptism, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit are being renewed in the church. This truly has been a reformation for us personally and we really do look and feel more like the book of ACTS church more than ever before! Hallelujah!! This is the gospel of Jesus, this is the life of a believer, ever filled with power and wonder in the Holy Spirit.
Because of these divine experiences, Laury and I have been receiving many requests for training people in healing, street ministry, and discipleship. Recently we were invited to do a conference for a Hispanic community in Texas to preach about manifesting the love of God, the teach about flowing in the spiritual gifts though the simple obedience of laying on hands and ministering in the streets. We were able to preach four different messages to several different groups of people growing in faith, and provide hands on training to those interested. Everyone was excited to see results as we walked in the simplicity of faith, and love. One thing has become obvious as we’ve traveled and met many who are hungry for the manifestations of God’s love, through the gifts and who are hungry to see God bring salvation to the earth through His children; God is ready, willing and able to do a great work through His people, and He’s not holding anything back from us!
If God is calling you and you are interested in getting Kickstarted, please fill out the form below and Laury and I will contact you as soon as we can!
May God Bless you richly,
Scott & Laury Levesque
These are a couple testimonials of people that came to see us and get activated: ————————————————————————————————————- August 15 2015 Bruce and Doretta drove all the way from Akron OH to join us- this was one of their first encounters.
…and this was their testimony from a week later!
Hi folks, I want to encourage you by letting you know that we went to an International Fair at our county seat, Medina, on Saturday to pray. We kickstarted two people, prayed for a dozen and saw three dramatic healings. It was a tough crowd, mostly affluent, but we made several breakthroughs. Jesus lit up three of us at the same time when we ran into a friend who may have “have had” thyroid cancer. She had a recent uncertain diagnosis. We were praying and I felt the power of God, when just at the same time my wife and a colleague from work did. At the end of the day, the two we kickstarted were ecstatic.
Today, at church, a young man came to me at the sound board requesting prayer for a pulled muscle in his rib cage, caused by congestion and coughing he was recovering from. This was astonishing to me, because NO ONE comes asking for prayer for anything, I usually have to chase them down. I prayed four times, and he said the pain was still there. Later I took him to my wife and we both prayed three times – no better. Then I grabbed my phone, and we watched the video of the spinal stenosis case from Manchester. We prayed one more time, “Pain be gone in the name of Jesus!”. He looked up and said, “It’s GONE!” This was a huge victory for me, because I’ve had very little success getting miracles to flow in the church.
We are going to more events, and my wife is tracking down local food distributions like there in Manchester that we can do regularly. I plan to start video documenting soon and posting them at .
Thanks again for our amazing weekend!
Follow up from 9/21- more testimonies from Bruce and Doretta
Hi folks, greetings in our precious Lord Jesus!
Incredible things have been happening. My amazing wife has been scheduling us for every public event she can find, and we’ve found a local food bank where we can pray for people every Thursday! I’m a little behind on our blog, but it’s at . (Do What Jesus Did). We’ve seen a man with no feeling in his arms due to a transformer accident regain feeling, a woman in an electric wheelchair get up and walk around her chair, pain go down from 10 (and sometimes 20!) to zero, sprained ankle with boot and crutches totally healed, and last week someone we prayed for in our house is now my sister in Christ! We have Activiated 7 other people, and someone is coming to us from PA this weekend. ———————————————————————————————————————–
Couple Kickstarted from Yonkers NY
Our new friends Steve and Daisy came all the way from Yonkers NY for Kickstart Training. This was one of their encounters in a Manchester NH park! Yay Jesus
——————————————————————————————————————————- Couple Kickstarted from Windsor Canada
Our new friends Paul and Lynn drove 16 hours to be Acitivated – that’s a strong calling to drive so far! It was another awesome weekend of training on the streets, in the parks, in two feeding centers, and in a shopping mall. God sure honored their hunger to serve Him in a mighty way! Jesus showed Himself strong everywhere we went we shared healing and the Gospel! Check out a couple of the videos.
“And heal the sick in it and say to them, the kingdom of God has come close to you.” – Luke 10:9
JUNE 14th, 10AM
Goffstown NH
(email us for details) Scott & Laury Levesque will be doing a Kickstart training at the church to show how simple it is to lay hands on the sick and see consistent results.
After the brief teaching at church, there will be a demonstration of ministry and discipleshipon the streets where we will experience the Holy Spirit Leading:
* How to overcome fear * How to pray for the sick * How to find someone who’s open * How to lead someone to Christ * How to baptize someone in water * How to pray for someone to be baptized in the Holy Spirit
We’ll be using Torben Sondergaard’s Free Pioneer School as the basis for this training-
For more information on the Pioneer School you can watch the 20 lessons HERE
“And heal the sick in it and say to them, the kingdom of God has come close to you.” – Luke 10:9
JUNE 6th, 1pm Scott & Laury Levesque will be doing a Kickstart training at the church to show how simple it is to lay hands on the sick and see consistent results.
After the brief teaching at church, there will be a demonstration of ministry and discipleshipon the streets where you will learn: * How to overcome fear * How to pray for the sick * How to find someone who’s open * How to lead someone to Christ * How to baptize someone in water * How to pray for someone to be baptized in the Holy Spirit
We’ll be using Torben Sondergaard’s Free Pioneer School as the basis for this training-
For more information on the Pioneer School you can watch the 20 lessons HERE
These are some recent testimonies with Scott & Laury on the streets:
Check out this amazing video from our friend Torben Sondergaard at the – It’s full of Healing, Water Baptisms, Holy Spirit Baptisms, and Discipleship training…… Yay God!
Do you want to be used by God? Do you feel like God isn’t hearing your prayers? Does the Bible seem lifeless to you?
Listen to this honest testimony of a woman who was questioning if God even existed, but she was Kickstarted in healing and is now on fire for the Lord.
This is such a common testimony we come across by many people wondering if God is even real, but if you really want to be used by God, come get Kickstarted and your life will change forever….. ours did!
If you live in the NH, MA area and want to get kickstarted, send us an email and you can join us as we hit the streets each weekend, being used by God, laying hands on the sick and preaching the good news!
2000+ years later, Jesus is still in the business of healing the sick, setting captives free, saving lives, bringing hearing to the deaf and looking for those who want to be used! He is Lord!
When Torben Sondergaard came here last month to train & kickstart 90 people from around the states and Canada, he said on the flight to the US he really felt God wanted him to make a documentary movie on the reformation of the church about to unfold, using live testimonies never seen before. After 4 days of traveling by his side, he told me that we had just filmed some of the most exciting testimonies he personally ever captured anywhere in the world during his lifetime, and that God was surely in the middle of what was happening!! WOW! I felt so blessed to spend 12 days watching all these events unfold first hand. The experiences have changed my life forever, and I believe this film will do the same for many who watch it around the world! Don’t miss the movie!
Scott L
Man’s shoulder healed and walks after two years in wheelchair with Parkinson’s!
These miracle’s happened on the first night we gathered for a “Kickstart training” meeting in MA with Torben Sondergaard from
It was around 6:30pm when Gunner’s sister Michele pulled up in a minivan to drop off her brother to attend the meeting with hopes to be prayed over for Parkinson’s. As I stood there with my friend Garth (from the MA chapter of John G Lake Ministries), I looked at Garth and said “he needs prayer”; Garth said, “yah, he needs prayer, we should pray”; I said “yah, we definitely should pray now not later, don’t you think (smile)?
So in the next moment before our first meeting even started, Garth asked if the man had any pain and Gunner replied that his shoulder hurt and that he couldn’t lift his right arm. Garth then sent his 7 year old son to lay hands on the shoulder and to say a quick “child like” prayer in the name of Jesus. There was no difference, so the boy prayed again and Gunner said it felt a little better, he prayed again and the man said all the pain had left and he started to lift his arm. One more prayer by the boy and the man lifted his arm straight over his head!!!
Oh My! I just witnessed an awesome display of child like faith by a boy who prayed with such simplicity, it was as if he was just asked to open a car door for someone…and then Jesus showed up!
If that wasn’t cool enough, Garth then decided it’s time to crush more of the affect of Parkinson’s, prayed for his legs, and the man stood up and begin to walk. Gunner’s wife was so moved by what unfolded, she was weeping with tears of joy. Torben who was greeting guests in the parking lot, joined in prayer halfway through the process. (As for the video quality, my apologies for the switching of angles and for all the personal comments and sound affects, – I was so excited that I couldn’t contain my body or my spirit! 😉
Buy the way, he continued to walk after the video and walked up two flights of stairs to the meeting that night, walked back down later, and then walked up the stairs back at his own home after a very long night of miracles at the meeting!
What a life we are called to live as followers of Jesus, what a God who reigns above and joins us below for times like these! All glory and honor and power to the Father, to Jesus the Son, and to the Holy Spirit – Amen!
Scott L
Shoulder healed in Manhattan with Torben Sondergaard
Did Jesus have compassion and restore limbs- yes. Did he set people free from the oppression of sickness- yes. Did He come to set the captives free and heal the brokenhearted-yes. Did he do all these miracles just for the sake of the miracles-heck NO!
He did it so people would come to know God is real, know that He loves us, and know that He desires a deeper, daily fellowship with each of us through knowing His Son.
So when we go out and heal the sick, it’s not just because we have compassion and want to see people get healed, but the end game should always be to try and share the good news of the Gospel, bringing their hearts to a place of true repentance so they may see their need for a savior, get set free, and come to know Christ. It’s really simple.
It’s through this tool of healing, that many may come to know the saving grace of our Lord and as a result desire fellowship with their very creator. This is the very model Jesus and the first century church used- and it was so powerful that many were added to the body daily.
Our hope is that anyone who encounters God through healing may be so touched that they may be willing to follow Christ and find freedom in Him. That they may learn to lay down their lives for the sake of Love and to live the abundant life God intended for each of us.
Our ultimate goal in healing and sharing the good news is that each one we touch may desire more freedom and come to know the full eternal life found only in Him, repent, be baptized in water as a new creation in Christ, be baptized in the Holy Spirit, and then go out with the same demonstration of God’s power and do the same for others.
If we follow Jesus, then our call is the same as the first disciples and it’s the model for us to follow as an example of how the kingdom is ever expanding.
I don’t know about you but I’m so excited and can’t wait to see how God leads this movement with a true demonstration of Gods power in the coming days/months/years, though us, His disciples!
Is anyone else out there excited? 😉
Luke 9; Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. 2 He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick
(In this video, Torben Søndergaard spent another 15 minutes intimately talking with this young man, praying with him, and leading him to a deeper desire to know and walk with Jesus. The young man seemed really hungry to know God and was visibly excited when Torben left his card to learn more through his website teachings – we can all do this!)
Last week we were on the streets of Manhattan healing the sick and sharing the good news of the Gospel. Torben was on a skateboarders kick and prayed for 4-5 different groups of young men boarding on the sidewalks. In each meeting, all injuries were healed but more important, each experienced a powerful touch from the Holy Spirit and were visibly changed after prayer. Some were ready to go deeper hearing about God, while others just continued on their way. It was really encouraging to see first hand how this all works and cool to watch it in action!As we stood waiting outside a gift shop while his family was shopping. I got a sense that one of the policemen near us on the street had back problems. I mentioned it to Torben and sternly he said “you go pray for him”! Since I was with a world class evangelist, in the most famous city on the planet, looking at policemen in full uniform, I was really really nervous to go pray for him, to say the least. My heart was pounding but then he moved quite a ways down the street so I thought the moment passed. But as God would have it, within 3 minutes, he came back, came off the street and stood 15 feet away from me on the sidewalk. Yikes, now my heart was really pounding!
At that very moment, I actually remembered the scripture Torben acted out in class last week about the lamb being sent out into a world surrounded by wolves. While thinking about it, I could hear Jesus saying “fear not for I am with you!”….so I went over and started talking with him.
After a minute of chat, I asked if he had any back pain and he said his neck was hurting as it did daily. I asked if he would let me pray, and he said yes, then I asked if I could lay my hand on his neck and he said absolutely and then Jesus showed up completely healed him. The expression of healing was seen in his face as he smiled really big and said “I’m not going to lie to you, my neck feels really good right now!” Think about that for a moment, I’m in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, with some of the toughest cops on the planet, and through compassion, I’m able to lay hands on a fully weaponized policeman!! Surely you can’t make this stuff up!
He was so amazed that he called another policeman from nearby to give testimony. He said something like “Hey Tony, check this out – my neck just got healed, don’t you have a bad back? Let this guy pray for you…” Tony says “yes, my lower back always has pain.” Can I pray? Yes, Can I lay my hand on your back? Yes! I think he actually had a brace on… So I prayed for him and the expression on his face was just as priceless when Jesus healed the first guy- his mouth was wide open in disbelief! It was awesome!!
Then he said his neck was also in a lot of pain- when asked he said the pain was at a 6 on a scale to 10. One ten second prayer in the name of Jesus and the pain went down to a one. A second prayer and it was completely gone – again, seeing his expression of amazement was so encouraging. I think I stepped out in faith that night further than ever before and Jesus met me in the gap. Just as He promised, He was with me in a place surrounded by wolves! It all ended with giving Jesus the glory while first policeman asked me for my phone number in case he needed prayer in the future. I gave it to him along with Torben’s website. What a memory I’ll never forget of faith being built while surrounded by fear! lol
Two of Manhattans finest policemen in full uniform, on the job, healed on the streets getting set free from pain, getting touched by God, and bringing glory to our Lord.Surely the Kingdom is near…. You can’t make this stuff up- it’s the disciples life intended for all of us!!
….. Go – Do – Make disciples
A few weeks ago, I sensed God say I should reach out to my amazing friend Torben Sondergaard and ask him if I could sponsor a visit for him to do a healing/Kickstart training conference in NH/New England this summer.
My heart has been so hungry to see revival in the North East and I love Torben’s simple way of training in healing and disciple making just as Jesus called us to do like in the Book of Acts. I knew it would be amazing if he could/would come. Paul and Suzanne Bowman who have longed for revival for the past 20 years, were so gracious in opening His Way Church for the invitation and I am so very thankful to them for this offer and for their pure hearts for Jesus.
So as timing is everything with the leading of the spirit, it was God in control and Torben said yes to the invite! I was so excited and immediately I started to sense God would use this visit to profoundly change many lives, but never in my wildest dreams could I imagine just how much God would accomplish through his teaching and disciple making training, and never could I have imagined the supernatural events that have since unfolded over these past days!!!! OH MY Gosh! Never could I imagine this would all become part of a feature documentary film about how God is changing the church in the world! That was only decided on the Flight to Boston on Tuesday again as the Spirit of God led Torben and camera man Lebo, God has been faithful to provide the most amazing experiences captured on film!!!
Over 4 days, approximately 200 people from about 30 churches experienced what I believe will go down in history as a legendary event that will change countless lives and effect the eternal destinies of thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of people through the event and through the film – much will be from here in New England.
From the first 10 minutes arriving at the Thursday night meeting where we saw a wheelchair bound man with MS get prayed for and walk within 30 minutes (climbing a double set of stairs himself to the meeting!), to healing after healing after healing by “kick starters” who never prayed before yet experienced literally dozens of people healed completely ……backs, ankles, knees, feet, and shoulders, legs growing out, demons cast out, full baptisms of the Holy Spirit resulting in speaking in tongues, ….yes we saw it all unfold. You can’t make this stuff up- it is real, it’s in the Book of Acts, and it’s normal Kingdom living that we are now experiencing it in person right here in greater Boston – Amen!
In traveling everywhere these past days with this wonderful man of God and his family, I have personally experienced non stop Kingdom living exactly like Jesus called us to do and I have to admit, it has been more amazing then anything my eyes have ever seen, ears have ever heard, or my spirit has revealed ever before in my ENTIRE life.
Now I know for certain that NOTHING can ever compare to a “life laid down and lived for the sake of the Gospel” such as this life Jesus has written on our hearts, to walk out each day by faith. God is so amazing.
Honestly it’s been a bit like drinking from a fire hose watching all this emerge as I witnessed some of the best filming and documentation of the supernatural unfold before my eyes, which will become part of the feature movie mentioned above to be called “The Last Reformation-The Beginning”.
I can’t even come close to properly describing the intensity of my last four days experiencing this amazing move of God …. It’s so exciting that it’s beyond words and I’m about to step out and see more over the next week!!!!!
As a result of all this my good friend Mike and I (who was my invaluable partner in assisting with this event) along with a few other friends, have had such a burning to move ahead with the Book of ACTS ministry so we have decided to start using the Pioneer School as a foundation for “Kick Start” and discipleship training with the blessing of Torben. Things are moving forward and I think it’s going to be a new reformation, but maybe also “www.TheLast”!!
God is amazing, Jesus is Lord!!!
Thank you all who attended for making this event such a life changing move of God that will change so many lives across the world!!
The Pioneer School is coming to the USA This Week!!!!
We are happy to announce Torben Søndergaard ( will be teaching and preaching at two locations: His Way Home Church in Haverhill MA and The North Shore Bridge Church in Ipswich Ma from July 24-26 (details below)
Torben and his family have been traveling around the world bringing a simple yet powerful message of healing and discipleship just like the early church experienced in the book of Acts. He’s been “Kick-Starting” believers with the fire of the Holy Spirit to heal the sick, preach the gospel, and baptizing new believers in water and in the Holy Spirit. His ministry has experienced remarkable testimonies of salvation and healing in the name of Jesus, everywhere he goes! You won’t want to miss the move of God during this 3 day event of teaching, ministry, “street healing”, and “kick-starting” your faith to a new level!
See some amazing miracles from “Kick-starts” around the worldHERE
Also check out Torben’s free Pioneer School lessons onlineHERE
Schedule: (Friday and SaturdayEVENINGS moved to larger facility)!
July 24: 7PM
Worship and Preaching (open) His Way Church 672 Main St Haverhill MA 01830 DirectionsHERE (This is a small 80 seat home church meeting in a barn loft upstairs – parking is in the neighborhood surrounding streets wherever you can find space – please be courteous to the local homes 🙂
July 25: 10AM Two hours training followed by 2-3 hours of “Kick-Start” street healing ministry His Way Church 672 Main St Haverhill MA 01830 DirectionsHERE
July 25 7PM
Worship, Testimonies, Preaching with Torben (open seating to first 180 attendees) The North Shore Bridge Church 77 Turnpike Rd (Rte 1) Ipswich MA 01938 DirectionsHere
July 26: 10AM Two hours training followed by 2-3 hours of “Kick-Start” street healing ministry His Way Church 672 Main St Haverhill MA 01830 DirectionsHERE
July 26 7PM
Worship, Testimonies, Preaching with Torben (open seating to first 180 attendees) The North Shore Bridge Church 77 Turnpike Rd (Rte 1) Ipswich MA 01938 DirectionsHere
July 27 10:00 AM
Sunday Church Service & Preaching with Torben (open seating to first 180 attendees) The North Shore Bridge Church 77 Turnpike Rd (Rte 1) Ipswich MA 01938 DirectionsHere
His Way Church is a small Holy Spirit led home church with approved seating for about 80 guests, that has been hosting Spirit filled evangelists for over 14 years and now welcomes Torben Søndergaard from Denmark! (Located at 672 Main St, Haverhill MA 01830)
Local Hotels:
(Mention His way Church for discount rates below)
Wow, check out this miracle healing of a woman who was paralyzed on her left side from a stroke but now is healed. This is the gospel of Jesus…this is “the book of Acts church” in action! Halleluiah God is so good!
(GREAT NEWS, Torben has agreed to come to teach in MA, USA in late July! Wooohooo! – shoot me an email details at or visit his site here to support the trip through (Please write: Gift for the U.S. trip))
Homeless drunk man set free through experiencing the love of God!
Watch this amazing Testimony from our friend Torben Sordegaard while he was visiting in Arizona. The true love and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, really can set captives free. Just watch this powerful testimony and see Jesus’ love revealed. We can do this….let’s run church, let’s run to the sick with His love!!
Torben Sondergaard Healing Testimonies from Sweeden
Watch the amazement and their faces as these two women are healed by Jesus right at the mall! Torben Sondergaard is teaching them how to build faith and “lay hands” on the sick.
The healing doesn’t come from us, but from the love of God and the work Jesus did on the cross, through the power of the Holy Spirit in us….all three working as one, within His sons and daughters… Christians!
Last comment he made is worth hear and remembering….”we don’t live by feeling, we live by the word of God” ….. I say AMEN, let’s walk by faith not by sight!
Amazing Healing Testimonies from Russia with Torben Sondergaard
Watch these three amazing miracles from Russia! Simple yet amazing miracles just like in the book of ACTS for those who believe! I love Torben’s heart to reach the unsaved by demonstrating the power of the Gospel through miracles!
….these were his words about this meeting: “An atheist started believing when she experienced healing and much more happening. Jesus says that the harvest is great and that it is ready for harvest. The problem is not the harvest, but that the laborers are few.
If we again begin to go out and heal the sick and then preach the gospel to them, we can quickly see people saved.”
For more radical teaching on the power of the first century church visit – God Bless You Click Here for Articles & More Healing!
Torben Søndergaard Testimonies from Arizona Part 2
Amazing Healing testimony from Arizona teaching with Torben ( ) Torben teaches the simplicity of faith by living out the book of ACTS. He has many free and solid disciple teachings on his site if you are looking for grow in your walk with a pure heart! Love Torben’s heart!!! He’s awesome