Documented Healings By God

Showing: 1 - 20 of 51 RESULTS
Holy Spirit Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Who Needs the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

This is a powerful teaching on why we should all desire the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It’s in the form of a parable the Lord gave me called the Parable of the Microwave!

It’s been too long that many of us in the church have misunderstood, feared, neglected, or even refused to hear and teach on what scripture says about the immersion (Baptism) of the Holy Spirit. But I assure you, God desires that all believers then and now should know the truth about the power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for all believers. That truth began on that day of Pentecost and has not ended.

For decades I struggled to to understand this topic because of misunderstandings. I also followed some famous theologians who gave messages against the direct writings of what Jesus and his disciples taught on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues. I resisted it for years, until one day I had an encounter with Jesus, where His clear audible voice was urging me to stop resisting His will, and start speaking in tongues.

Besides my initial conversion to Christianity back in 1991, this alone has been the most life transforming gift I have ever received and has resulted in a walk with the Lord like I never imagined possible. I went to five different churches and denominations over 45 years and not one church class, nor preacher taught on the subject of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, yet Jesus Himself told us what would be possible with this “power from on high”!

Don’t miss this message- your destiny will take on new strength, meaning, and purpose!

May God bless you!
Scott & Laury

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Cancer Medical Miracle Healing Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Stage 4 Colon Cancer healed by Jesus! Angels Amazing Testimony!

Colon Cancer Healed Through Prayer!

This is Angel’s testimony today (2018) after we prayed for him in Manchester in 2015. At first Angel was so full of fear and anguish that he didn’t want us to pray for him. He was still dealing with being overwhelmed with the fact he was told he only had a 20% chance of his upcoming surgery going well, and that he would have only a max of five years to survive IF the surgery went well. The surgery was to help slow down the cancer that had already spread outside of his colon and to try to extend his life a couple years. It was a rather grim future for him, his wife and his five children, but thankfully Jesus had a different plan.

That morning, we were at an outreach event and I felt the Lord really wanted us to pray for him, but I didn’t know exactly why- when we approached and asked he declined and said “I’m all set”. At that point, without knowing for certain that anything was wrong, I asked if he was sure he didn’t want prayer, and he declined a second time. As I began to walk away, I had a really strong unction that something was critically wrong with him (although he looked healthy), so I stopped, turned back to him and boldly spoke “I know something is seriously wrong with your body and the Lord want’s to heal you, what’s going on?” For the third time he said “I’m all set” but thankfully his wife leaned forward and quietly said “he has stage four colon cancer and we don’t want the kids to know”. So I said “come on dude, Jesus wants to heal you, will you let us pray for you?” He softened and said yes, and he entered into faith with us, and Jesus crushed that disease through a prayer of faith! Hallelujah! Not only did he survive the surgery with flying colors, but two weeks after the surgery, doctors couldn’t explain how he was 100% cancer free after testing 36-45 lymph glands. Doctors still can’t figure out what happened and three years later he’s 100% cancer free, loving the Lord, regularly giving his testimony to the doctors and others, and living the second chance he’s been given by the finished work of Jesus. The Lord said, if you have faith without unbelief, our faith can move mountains – this mountain was moved!

We are entering into a special time where the church is learning how to walk by faith, without doubt. I’m so excited to see what is coming on this earth as we learn to “Only believe”…… Yay God

Cancer Medical Miracle Healing Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Man with throat cancer healed in Manchester NH, now arm healed!

Check out Roberts Cancer Healing Testimony from Manchester NH!

Last year Robert had throat cancer when our brother and sister in Christ, Suzanne and Greg came out with us to get kickstarted in healing. Robert was the first person Greg prayed for that day. Robert’s pain completely disappeared after a couple quick prayers. He went in for the scheduled surgery two days later and the doctors couldn’t explain how the tumor had almost completely disappeared. Without further treatment the cancer was completely gone. Today he got healed from an arm injury and his daughter and his son-in-law also got healed over the course about 5 minutes. Jesus is looking for His church to step out in faith and crush sickness. Let’s go church, ….the harvest in plentiful!!

Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Boston Man Healed and Set Free from Addiction Through Prayer

Jay Gets Healed, Delivered from Addictions, and Finds Jesus!

Repeated acts of compassion, love, and discipleship along with the power in the name of Jesus, can transform lives! I remember the dramatic day neuropathy in his feet got healed, but that was just the beginning of walking with God. He got a wake up call from Holy Spirit that day and look what God did with Him since! Yay God!!!

Body parts restored by documented miracle Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Corey Gets Miraculously Healed by Jesus!

Man’s Shoulder Instantly Healed by Jesus!

We first prayed for the person riding with Cory who was on oxygen, and since she felt so much better, her driver Corey asked us if we would pray for his shoulder. It was at level 11 pain on a scale of 1-10! Within about a minute, he was healed so we took his testimony for Jesus.

Homelessness Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Blessed are the poor in Manchester NH!

Blessed are the poor: ‘Funky Christmas Wishes’ granted for those in need


Carol Robidoux December 13, 2017

Members of the New Covenant Riders Christian motorcycle group huddle in prayer with a woman who just finished coming through the Funky Christmas Wishes event at First Baptist Church. Photo/Carol Robidouximage

MANCHESTER, NH – Four years ago Henry Demers thought it would be a good idea to organize a Thanksgiving outreach for the city’s homeless. But God had a better idea, says Demers, and redirected him toward something much bigger, resulting in one of the city’s largest annual charitable day’s of giving.

This year’s event – renamed Funky Christmas Wishes in honor of longtime advocate for the homeless Joe Funk, who passed away in July – was the fourth such event. It provided essentials, food and gifts to 300 people in need, just for showing up Dec. 9 at 1st Baptist Church on Union Street. Attendees also got a free lunch, a $5 gift card of their choosing to Dunkins or Subway, and the offer of intercessory prayer.

All items – from brand new sweatshirts, blankets, socks and underwear, to hand-knit winter accessories, toys for kids and festive holiday hats for everyone – were donated by more than 70 local church communities and organizations.

Once inside the church, each person was given a ticket and was partnered with a volunteer “personal shopper” who stayed with them as they made their way around the tables inside the sanctuary, where they could choose one of each item they wanted or needed and stuff it into a bag. But first, attendees were invited upstairs for a church service until their number was called, for a time of prayer and singing.

Demers, founder and president of Harmony Home and lead organizer for the event, has a heart for the city’s homeless. His non-profit ministry is a place where the homeless can stop by during the day to have a meal, take a shower, wash their laundry, or pick up some clean used clothing and seek help from Demers and his staff with whatever they’re struggling with – including addiction.

Brad, left, a first-timer at the annual event, received many items through Funky Christmas Wishes, including a $5 gift card and a warm winter coat for his daughter, Aldiana, 4. Photo/Carol Robidoux


“I used to work at the city’s Mental Health Center,” says Demers, who acknowledges that the services provided through Harmony Home are similar to those the city’s Homeless Service Center on Central Street used to offer. It was closed for good in 2015 due to lack of funding.

“That’s why I quit my job and started Harmony Home. At the time they closed the day center, I knew winter was coming and I knew how important those services were to the homeless,” he says. “It’s been possible through my faith in God – I had faith that it would come together. It was something that was stirring in me anyway, but when they closed the day center, I knew what I had to do.”

Demers says almost every day in the 18-months he’s been in operation, someone comes to Harmony Home seeking a way to end their addiction. He’s been able to help anyone with a valid ID and a Social Security number to get treatment, usually through a California-based recovery center.

It’s no mistake that Harmony Home, a residence located on the grounds of Hope Tabernacle Church on Cedar Street, is just around the corner from the old day center.

Scott Levesque, left, and Scott Spiewak, right, made themselves available at the exit for anyone in need of prayer.

Photo/Carol Robidoux


“I’m in one of the most dangerous places in the city – we’re surrounded by drug dealers and prostitutes, there have been homicides and other crime,” Demers says. “I love being where the needs are. Harmony Home is gated, and people tell me once they come through the gates, they feel safe.”

Demers’ own story is inspiring. He was orphaned as a teenager, losing both his parents to cancer within a year of one another by the time he was 18. He was the youngest of five kids, so he still had family support and his parents left them financially secure, but he gives God all the credit for guiding his path.

“I was a partying teenager, but after losing both my parents so young, it sobered me up and changed me spiritually. I wanted to be able to look back one day at a life I could be proud of, and that’s been my mission ever since,” Demers says.

The name Harmony Home is based on a biblical verse, Romans 12:16, “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.”

Willie Johnson, pastor of the New Beginnings Church of God in Christ on Elm Street, has been involved with faith-based Christmas outreaches around the city for 16 years. He says it’s simply what he’s called to do as a Christian.

Partners in Christ: Henry Demers, left, of Harmony Home, and Pastor Willie Johnson, right, of New Beginnings Church of God in Christ. Photo/Carol Robidoux


“We’re doing what the Lord says to do,” says Johnson. “To see all these people getting served, it makes me feel good. Jesus said there’s always going to be poor and needy among us. The only way we can help is by doing what he calls us to do – if someone’s hungry, feed them; it

they’re thirsty, give them something to drink; if they’re in the hospital, visit them.”

While it doesn’t necessarily absolve a city from having resources in place, Johnson says outreach to the needy should be on everyone’s agenda.

“You have to want this. You have to want to be nice and good. That’s for each of us personally to decide. Christ died on the cross for our sins so that we can be a blessing to one another,” Johnson says.

1st Baptist Church on Union Street was a blessing to the city’s poor and a shelter from Saturday’s storm. Photo/Carol Robidoux


Near the exit Scott Levesque, of Imperishable Love Ministries, and Scott Spiewak who belongs to House of Prayer in Concord, gently asked people if they could pray with them before they left.

“It’s important to meet the needs of people where they are, but the most important thing is that they get to meet Jesus,” says Levesque. “There have been tons of healings and tons of miracles here.”

Many people accepted the offer of prayer, citing family members with cancer, or personal ailments. Volunteers from several area ministries, including a group of women from New Covenant Riders, part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, quietly bowed their heads

and laid hands on people.

“I think this is a beautiful thing. I’d love to see it happen routinely in the city, not just at Christmastime,” Spiewak says.

“Not only is this a blessing for the community, but for the body of Christ to come together and work in unity, that’s a beautiful thing to see. People are laying down their lives for the Lord,” Levesque says.

More than 300 people received items at Funky Christmas Wishes on Dec. 9 at Faith Baptist Church. Photo/Carol Robidoux


Phil Haney of Merrimack volunteered his time as a personal shopper, and accompanied four people through the line.

“This is my second year. My wife knows Henry, and I got involved through her. It was a very humbling experience. For me, it’s a sort of resetting, just to feel blessed to help others in some small but positive way for Christ, and to reinforce how really blessed we are,” Haney says. “It reminds me not to take anything for granted.”

Henry Demers holds the whiteboard listing all the churches and organizations who pitched in to make Funky Christmas Wishes a reality. Photo/Carol Robidoux


He relayed an experience that confirmed to him that he was in the right place at the right time. “I had gone out earlier this week and the Lord’s been putting on my heart that the cold weather

is coming and that there are so many people who don’t have what they need. I had picked up a coat and it was in my car. About 10 minutes after I got here, I got to talking with an older gentleman, I’d say in his ’70s, who looked like he’d had a rough life. He said he wished he had a warm coat. They didn’t have any adult-size coats here, but I remembered the coat in my car. I gave it to him,” Haney says. “I feel like it was orchestrated.”


Bones healed by prayer miracle Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Homelessness Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Miracles on Methadone Mile Boston MA

Miracles in Boston MA

We hit the streets every week, ministering to the homeless, praying for the sick, and blessing the poor and we see people touched by Jesus and healed every week. Not only are they healed, but seeds of hope are planted, and watered, as God gives increase as His goodness leads them to repentance. MANY hearts are turned back to the Father as they begin to see hope that they will indeed find their way out of the bonds of addiction and poverty.

Check out this interview with me, our friend Garth, and Brandt Gillespie formerly with the Christian Broadcast Network and now head of Media Productions at Lion of Judah church. See how it all started and where the Lord has lead our efforts these past three years!

May you be encouraged to step out in faith, be the light of the world, and see miracles, signs, and wonders in your everyday life!

Miracle Healing Salvation Scott Levesque Signs and Wonders

Miracles on Methadone Mile

Miracles in the Boston Homeless Community!

Check out this Boston based newscast/interview that our friend Brandt Gillespie filmed, who is Audio/Video Director at Congregación León de Judá in Boston MA.

He is a media mogul with a YouTube channel called PRAYtv, doing wonderful exploits for the Kingdom of heaven and wanted to capture exactly what we were doing each week when we minister to the homeless in Boston and see miracles every week.

May this broadcast inspire many to step out in faith and watch Holy Spirit reveal the nature of Jesus, and God’s Love!

Scott Levesque



Many people we meet have said they prayed for years and saw nothing happen and shared that they are either frustrated, discouraged, angry, bitter towards God, or have just given up on God.
The truth is, God is trying to teach us how to walk in greater faith each day, by trusting in Him and exercising faith. The problem is that so many of us never learned what it means to develop real faith and walk in the Spirit by faith.
Many people we meet say to us something like “if God would answer my prayer or show me a miracle, then I could trust Him and I’d believe”, but this never works and is in fact just the opposite exercising faith and learning how to walk in power by the Holy Spirit. That stance is simply the natural man trying to make sense of the supernatural man, which is like trying to measure the weight of your car, by conjuring thoughts about peace – the two don’t add up. 
Faith is a constant position of our heart and says “God, I believe in you and your promises, and I will trust in you and exercise faith despite my trials and circumstances.” This is the very position that propelled Paul to overcome trial after trial revealing God’s Glory and demonstrating miracles, signs, and wonders everywhere he walked.
Just look at the faith Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego carried as they were about to meet their death in the fire seven times hotter than ever before. They trusted in God and even without the indwelling of Holy Spirit that we have in the new covenant, they overcame the flames through faith in God. Even when faced with death by fire, they would not bow to the circumstances (or to a King posing as a false God), and neither should we.
Like them, as we begin to recognize what it means to walk by faith, trust in God, give thanks in all things, AND understand our authority to manifest God’s nature Glory through miracles here on earth, we begin to see what it means to walk by the spirit of Christ within us and see our prayers become powerful through Christ.
Too many of us who call ourselves Christian, spent years begging God to answer our prayers, feeling like our prayers fell on deaf ears with no results. That was me for many years but now I understand what it means to trust and believe, and expect miracles by the authority God has placed in me through His spirit within.
I’m no longer begging a God who seemed so far away, but now I’m co-laboring with Him who lives in me, like a son who knows and believes in what Jesus said and did on this earth, saying we will do even greater.  This is not a feeling, but it is a revelation by the Spirit within, achieved by exercising faith.
When I began to understand He is not far away somewhere in the distant universe, but that He is actually living in me, eager to enjoy me, eager to fellowship and develop my faith, so I might demonstrate His will on earth as it is in heaven, then I began to see mountains move in my own life. I believe this is when my prayers began to align with His desires as Holy Spirit was counseling me and teaching me from within who I am in Christ, and not separated as some distant God I once perceived, who I never heard my prayers.
For all this to happen, I had to first believe that He loved me, and lived inside of me which in itself takes faith! This was the beginning of me changing the way I was thinking (the real meaning of repentance in the Word). I realized I had to change how (and what) I was believing (the truth will set you free) and how I was praying that simply didn’t work for years, because I did not understand what it meant to be in truth and be in relationship with my Lord.
I learned God is not a genie in a bottle ready to fulfill every wish we have, but He is a loving Father who desires we would learn to love Him, grow in truth, and grow into the likeness of His Son (Him), that we might Glorify Him and spread the Good News so more could come to love Him and be adopted into His family.
We were each created in His image for the purpose of reflecting His love. When we begin to understand these basic perspectives, we can start walking in a greater revelation of Christ in us, learn how to walk by the Spirit within, see our prayers in line with His desires, and then we begin to see those mountains in life moving through the Power in His name.
Many came to Jesus asking for a miracle to prove His claims but Jesus said “only believe” and told us if we would simply believe in Him, (believe first), then we would see our own miracles. First believe, then see, ….that’s the kingdom principle called faith.

Bones healed by prayer miracle Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Man Healed and Walks two days after breaking both ankles!

Man Healed and Walks two days after breaking both ankles! Jesus is Lord!

Check out this amazing healing testimony! It’s from 2014 but worth reposting! Five of us went to the Topsfield fair in eastern MA on Sunday OCT 12th to pray for the sick and minister the good news.

One of the first people we encountered was a young man who was in a wheelchair wearing soft casts on his feet. We asked what had happened and he went on to explain how two days earlier he was fishing and fell off some rocks and broke both ankles. At the time we didn’t know how bad it was but later he shared these photos of the ankles.

Our friend Garth, his two boys, and my soon to be wife Laury and I were there all praying and declaring healing over this man. Garth with his tenacious nature and his boys were the ones doing most of the laying on of hands as Garth had the man stand to test the healing. He said there was definitely some immediate improvement so we blessed him and we left. About ten minutes later, the guy tracked down Laury while we visited the men’s room. He said that he could feel his casts getting looser as the swelling was decreasing and that he felt 90% healed and he seemed so happy. I asked if he could text me the pics from two days ago and if he would send me an update later when he got home that night.

Well, about 90 minutes later, I received this video below. We always expect great miracles but even we were so excited to see such a quick recovery. I honestly think it’s no harder for Jesus to heal all sicknesses this quickly. The bible testifies to many such healing events and I’m believing we’ll start seeing more and more like this as well. How awesome is our God!!!!!

*** 10/15/2014 UPDATE: I just received confirmation from this man who went back to his Dr. this morning , walked in, got re-x-rayed, and the Dr. said he no longer has broken bones – they are healed!!! He said it all looks good, take it easy for a week and you can return to work. Jesus is amazing!

Every one of us there prayed for several people during the day and we saw amazing results and miracles. One of the last people Laury and I prayed for on the way out was scheduled for a knee replacement but she received a new knee from Jesus and walked out without a limp or a cane. It’s been so amazing every week to see such miracles. I am truly humbled by God’s love.
Scott L

Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

How to Walk in Greater Faith

How can we walk in greater faith?

Check out this message I gave in Springfield AM. It’s full of encouragement on waking in faith and healing the sick as presented at Lighthouse church with our friends Pastor Bob and Barbara Olmstead. Incidentally, the house sale we prayed for in this video which was on the market for some time, sold in two days after we prayed in faith! We’ve seen this happen so many times, not so we can call on God as a “genie in a bottle” ready to meet our every need, but so God may encourage us and show Himself strong.  We have found that as we begin to walk closer to Him, for His purposes, we can expect His faith to manifest in our lives in ways that will make the world want to come to know Jesus not for what He can do, but to know just how great He is!. Yes, he wants to bless us but that is only secondary to coming to know Him and to sharing life with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ!

If you enjoyed this message and would like to invite Laury and I to speak at your church or group, please drop us an email so we can contact you. ( )

Homelessness Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing Scott Levesque

Man Couldn’t Walk is Instantly Healed by Jesus in Lowell MA

Leg instantly Healed by Jesus! Yay God!

We were handing out food, supplies, and Bibles to the homeless in Lowell with our friend Laura. We came across this man laying down who couldn’t get up to come over to us and receive what he needed. He said his knee and leg was in so much pain that he couldn’t stand or walk. So we went to him and after a couple quick prayers I asked him to stand up – he was shocked he didn’t have pain and could freely move his knee again – He was so happy, that he said felt like running around the field! Jesus is Lord! ….only believe!

Scott & Laury Levesque
Imperishable Love Ministries

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Scott Levesque

The Nature of God’s Love (English/Portuguese Translation)

This was a message Laury and I gave on March 17th while teaching at a conference on healing in Brazil. During the message, the presence of His love was overwhelming to me personally and at times is was difficult for me to speak. His love can not be compared to anything we have in this world, it is beyond human love – In fact, the Bible says that “He is Love”.

How blessed are the feet of those who know He is our God. Praise Jesus for demonstrating such love for all of us to follow!

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