Smith Wigglesworth: Man dying from Cancer Healed
Oh how I love the faith and confidence of old Smith Wigglesworth!
It is my prayer that believers today will grow to trust in God’s Word and believe
with such abandon, that the world cannot deny the love of God! Check out
this amazing testimony from Smith Wigglesworth’s teachings!
How many of us believe the Word? It is easy to quote it, but it is more
important to have it than to quote it. It is very easy for me to quote,
“Now are we the sons of God,” but it is more important for me to know
whether I am a son of God. When the Son was on the earth He was
recognized by the people who heard Him. Never a man spake like Him .
His word was with power, and that Word came to pass.
Sometimes you have quoted, “Greater is he that is in you than he that is
in the world,” and you could tell just where to find it.
But brother, is it so? Can demons remain in your presence? You have to be
greater than demons. Can disease lodge in the body that you touch?
You have to be greater than the disease. Can anything in the world stand
against you and hold its place if it is a fact that “greater is He that is in you
than he that is in the world”? Dare we stand on the line with the Word of God
and face the facts of the difficulties before us?
I can never forget the face of a man that came to me one time. His
clothes hung from him, his whole frame was shrivelled, his eyes were
glaring and glassy, his jawbones stuck out, his whole being was a manifestation
of death. He said to me, “Can you help me?” Could I help him?
Just as we believe the Word of God can we help anybody, but we must
be sure we are on the Word of God. If we are on the Word of God It must take
I looked at him I told him that I had never seen anybody
alive that looked like him. I said, “What is it? He answered with a breath
voice, “I had a cancer on my chest. I was operated on and in removing
the cancer they removed my swallower; so now I can breathe but cannot
He pulled out a tube about nine inches long with a cup at the
top and an opening at the bottom to go into a hole. He showed me that
he pressed one part of that into his stomach and poured liquid into the
top; a living death.
Could I help him? See what the Word of God says:
” … whosoever … shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have saith” (Mark 11:23).
God wants to move us on scriptural lines. On those lines I said, “You shall
have a good supper tonight.” But, he said “I cannot swallow.” I said, “You shall
have a good supper tonight.” But he repeated “I cannot swallow.” ….. I said,
“You shall have a good supper; now go and eat.”
When he got home he told his wife that the preacher said he could have good supper
that night. He said, “If you will get something ready I’ll see if I can swallow.” His wife
got a good supper ready and he took a mouthful. He had had mouthfuls before but they
would not go down. But the Word of God said “whatsoever,” and this mouthful went down,
and more and more went down until he was full up! Then what happened?
He went to bed with joy of the knowledge that he could again swallow, and he wakened the
next morning with the same joy! He looked for a hole in his stomach, but God had shut that
up when he opened the other.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Faith is the word. You were begotten of the Word, the Word is in you, the life of the Son is in you, and God wants you to believe!
Does anyone know the book where this Smith Wigglesworth quote is?
These are wonderful posts! Yesterday I referenced Num.15:30,31 — a profound example of how real, vital, and so to be taken to heart, the word(s) of God are!