Documented Healings By God

Showing: 1 - 20 of 27 RESULTS
Body parts restored by documented miracle Bones healed by prayer miracle CBN Healing Testamony Heaven or Hell encounter Holy Spirit Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing Paralyzed documented miracles

Bruce Van Natta Testimony: Angels help man crushed by 10,000 lb truck

Bruce Van Natta Should Have Died in Minutes, with a Crushed Spine, 5 Severed Arteries, Small Intestines Destroyed and little hopes of survival…..
But God restored all these through one of the most amazing miracles you will ever hear!!

I posted this back in 2013 but it ‘a worth reposting for those of you who missed it!
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CBN Healing Testamony Miracle Healing

Prostitute Redeemed by Jesus!

Call girl Anne Lobert’s Story of redemption by Jesus

The glamor and glitz of Las Vegas brought Annie Lobert to what she imagined would be happiness and stardom, but her life almost ended one night as she cried out to Jesus for help. But Jesus showed her his love and redeemed her life – He loves us and is the author and finisher of our faith. Believe in Him!

CBN Healing Testamony Heaven or Hell encounter Miracle Healing Raised from Death

Ken Kirby Died in the E.R. – But God had another plan!

Ken Kirby Died in the E.R. but then God stepped in!
Watch this video as “prayers of the saints” who believed, were answered by Jesus and Ken’s life was restored! Doctors frantically tried to restart Ken’s heart for 45 minutes. Death seemed certain. See what happened when the E.R. staff joined Ken’s wife in prayer. Jesus is Lord!

CBN Healing Testamony Child Birth Miracles Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing

Baby Isabella Healed Before Birth

Baby Miraculously Healed in Mother’s Womb! Jesus is Lord!

This unborn baby had problems: no kidneys, no bladder, and multiple complications. Doctors told Rachel there was no hope and urged Rachel to abort the child…but then God stepped in! Don’t miss this encouraging amazing testimony of hope for the unborn!

Body parts restored by documented miracle Cancer Medical Miracle Healing CBN Healing Testamony Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing

Baby Healed of Brain Cancer Through Miracle of God

Baby’s Brain and Spine Cancer Healed by Miracle of God

Wow, this one really moved my heart! God’s Love never ceases to bring so much joy to me, that I simply weep over the beauty of such miracles. Amazing Love…..Amazing Grace….Such an Amazing God!! Believe!

CBN Healing Testamony Heaven or Hell encounter Miracle Healing Salvation

Tamara Laroux – Surviving a Suicide Attempt

Tamara Laroux tired to end her life and ended up in hell….

A story of attempted suicide leading to a horrific experience of hell between the time she was bleeding out and when she recovered.

Listen to her powerful testimony of how Tamara was totally deceived by the lies of the enemy and ended up tormented and suicidal as a result. She first went to hell, because she had not submitted her life to the love of God, found only in surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. But then somehow through God’s amazing Mercy, He heard her prayer and not only saved her from eternal death but also healed her. Watch this fascinating testimony of God’s amazing Love! Jesus is Lord.

Cancer Medical Miracle Healing CBN Healing Testamony Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Miracle Healing

Dan’s Cancer Death Sentence Turns Into a Miracle!

Dan Fazzina’s Cancer Miracle
Dan Fazzina was diagnosed with a grapefruit sized tumor in his chest when he was just 27. Without major chemo, doctors said he only had three weeks to three months to live. The tumor was crushing his heart and organs. After treatments of chemo with little hope, Dan cried out to God asking to be healed.

Half way through treatments, the tumor was gone, ….no evidence, no scar tissue, no tumor! There’s always hope when it comes to God, don’t give up! God is so Good, Jesus is Lord.

CBN Healing Testamony Miracle Healing Paralyzed documented miracles

Natalie’s Easter Miracle Rain pounded the windshield as Natalie Elders dropped her daughter off at school on April 10, 2003. Her husband, Dewayne, left earlier to open the family convenience store for the day. Then his phone rang – Natalie had been t-boned by a pickup truck.

Dewayne arrived on the scene of the accident, “The car had been hit bad and knocked back against the guardrail. I was looking for Natalie of course, and they already had her out of the car, she was in the ambulance and the paramedics were working with her. At the time she was lifeless.”

The local hospital could not handle Natalie’s multiple trauma injuries so the family followed the ambulance to nearby Asheville, North Carolina. At first, the doctor was hopeful.

The doctor told Dewayne, “He said, she’s in a coma but he thought she would wake up within 24 hours. She didn’t wake up in 24 hours; she didn’t wake up at 36 hours, and at that point we met with the doctors again.”

An MRI showed Natalie’s brain stem was almost completely severed. If she ever woke up – she would be a lifetime quadriplegic.

“My faith in God, which was the only thing I had. You know on the day of Pentecost, God sent us the Comforter, and that is pretty much all I had,” Dewayne said.

For ten days, family and friends waited and prayed. On Good Friday, doctors saw Dewayne down.

“He told us that without divine intervention there was no chance that Natalie would ever wake up. He said I want to meet back with you on Monday and he said at that point I want you to think about taking her off of life support,” Dewayne didn’t know what to think. “I guess in my mind I thought it was pretty well over, we we’re going to have to make a decision Monday and at that point I said, ‘God, it sure would’ve been nice to have a miracle performed, I know you can do it, it’s Easter!”

Word spread of Natalie’s condition. Churches in eight states were praying for that Easter morning when Natalie’s sister called Dewayne from the hospital room.
Dewayne remembers, “She said, ‘Would you like to have some good news?’ and she said Natalie had woke up and immediately we were just ecstatic. We sang Amazing Grace around her bedside and tears rolled down Natalie’s cheeks – that was pretty much all the response we’d had, but it gave us hope.”

Despite the doctors’ grim prognosis, Natalie quickly improved. Ten days later, she was transported to a rehabilitation facility under the care of Dr. Edgardo Diez.

Dr. Diez said, “When she was admitted she was in a very bad situation. She was confused, she was not oriented, she was not eating by herself and she had a feeding tube. Essentially, she was what we call total care; we had to do everything for her.”

Natalie began the slow process of rehabilitation. It was May and the doctors expected her to spend Christmas in the rehab hospital. To everyone’s surprise, she walked out six weeks later!

Even Dr. Diez was amazed, “I think for a person with this much trauma and the way she came and the way she left, I was very pleased too that she made such a good recovery in what I consider a short period of time.”

Natalie credits the Lord, “God is an intensely powerful God! What was going to take me many months or even over a year to do, God allowed, God did through me in just a matter of weeks. He can heal the blind, He can raise the dead, He can do whatever it is that He wants or needs to do, or is in His will! The miracles He worked in my life, they did not stop when he woke me up. First, they said I would never wake up and I did. Then they said I would be a lifetime quadriplegic, they need to just put me in a nursing home.

They said it would take 12-18 months to be anywhere near ready to go home and in 6 weeks I walked out! So, God was in control the whole time.”

Dewayne says since 2003, they’ve celebrated Easter for two reasons, “It’s when our Lord rose on that third day, but it’s also the day Natalie rose from the dead too! A miracle was performed that day and I just have to give God the glory.”

CBN Healing Testamony Heaven or Hell encounter Miracle Healing Salvation

Atheist Ian McCormack – Left Dead on a Morgue Slab, Travels to Hell & Back

Ian McCormack’s heart stopped and pronounced dead, found himself in Hell crying out to God….b
ut then he met Jesus!

Wow, don’t miss this amazing story of God’s love and the power of prayer from loved ones. God sent His son so that each of us could come to know His love and the saving grace of his death, burial, and resurrection. He is the way, the truth, and the life….don’t miss experiencing the depth of His love for you. Ask Him into your life, ask Him to reveal his amazing love, ask Him to cleanse your sins, and ask Him to set you free!

Ian McCormack (The Lazarus Phenomenon Film) was an atheist, living a totally worldly lifestyle, when he got stung by 5 deadly jellyfish, and died. Listen to his story as he describes his experience in hell, but then had an encounter with God through his Christian mother’s prayers! Amazingly he found forgiveness and came back to live a life of love! What a love story! The end message is that we all have the same opportunity today, to lay down our lives for the sake of love. Come on church, let’s run the race Paul mentioned in 1 Corinthians and lay it all down for love!

In 1982, Ian McCormack of the film The Lazarus Phenomenon was an adventurous 26-year-old. He was diving for lobster on the island of Mauritius (in the southwest Indian Ocean) one evening and was stung by five box jellyfish – one of the most venomous creatures in the world. Its poison can kill a person in four minutes. When an ambulance came, his body was completely paralyzed, and necrosis had started to set into his bone marrow.

On the way to the hospital, McCormack began to see his life flash before him. He knew he was near death. He was an atheist and didn’t know whether or not there was an afterlife. As he lay dying, he saw a vision of his mother, who was the only Christian in his family, praying for him. She encouraged McCormack to cry out to God from his heart and God would hear him and forgive him. He didn’t know what to pray, so he cried out that if God was real, God would help him pray. Instantly, God showed McCormack the Lord’s Prayer.


The ambulance reached the hospital and they brought McCormack inside. The doctors tried to save his life by injecting anti-toxins and dextrose into his body, but it didn’t help. Within a few minutes, hisbody lay lifeless for about 15 minutes.

During this time, McCormack was in a very dark place, and he didn’t know where he was. As he reached out, he found he wasn’t touching anything. When he tried to touch his face, his hand would go right through it. McCormack began to sense that it wasn’t just a physical darkness, but a spiritual darkness. He had a cold eerie feeling that there was something or someone else there, and it or he was looking at McCormack.


Then, a luminous beam of light radiated through the darkness and started to lift him upward. He found himself being translated up into it. McCormack then entered an opening and found himself inside a long narrow tunnel. At the far end of the tunnel he could see the source of the light. Then he watched as a wave of the light broke off the source and moved up the tunnel towards him. This light passed through McCormack, and he could feel a wave of warmth and comfort flood his soul.

Coming out of the end of this tunnel, he found himself standing in the presence of awesome light and power. He wondered if this was just an energy source in the universe or if perhaps there could be someone standing in the midst of this light. A voice immediately responded to his thought and asked him, “Ian, do you wish to return?” McCormack responded, “I don’t know where I am, but if I am out of my physical body, I wish to return.”

The voice then said, “If you wish to return, you must see in a new light.” ” Words appeared in front of him, “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).” McCormack had never read a Bible before in his life so he didn’t know these words came straight out of it.

Want to learn more about Ian McCormack’s powerful vision? Check out the DVD, The Lazaraus Phenomenon.

Body parts restored by documented miracle CBN Healing Testamony Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing Tumors reduced or disappear

Grade 4 Bladder Cancer Healed

Grade 4 Bladder Cancer Healed by Prayer!

Watch this amazing story of healing from a man diagnosed with only three months to live! He was repented, he was forgiven, and he was healed by a combination of medicine and faith! God is so good! Jesus is Lord! Believe!

Body parts restored by documented miracle CBN Healing Testamony Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing

Traumatic Brian Injury Completely Healed by God

Jason Mirikitani: Saved by Prayer

Don’t miss this amazing heartfelt miracle testimony! A car accident left Jason struggling to survive with a skull cracked wide open, and with severe traumatic brain injuries placing his life in the balance. Doctors gave him little hope of recovery, but Jason’s family and friends turned to God in fervent prayer, for a miracle….and God responded with an amazing story of hope filled with God’s love.

Scripture says “Faith, is the substance of things hoped for….”
There is a lesson in this story for all of us. I believe if you and I begin to become more fervent in our hopes, do not become discouraged, do not give up our hope, and pray with such hope, we will see many more miracles like this….dare to believe, don’t ever give up hope, and ALL things are possible through God!

CBN Healing Testamony Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Miracle Healing

Autism Miracle – Boy delivered and healed by God

Young Boy Healed of Autism

Although his mom worked so hard to rehabilitate her son was diagnosed with Autism, the prognosis was bleak. But God is greater than any disease and “the prayers of a righteous person avail much”!

When you listen to this testimony, it seems very similar to when Jesus would cast out an evil spirit where everything changed once the spirit had left. Prayers were being answered, and the boy was gradually recovering but then suddenly went into a tail spin as he spent four straight days acting out (manifesting), and appeared all had been lost. It seemed like the evil spirit was attempting to “regain control” over the boy before prayers were fully answered, much like an enemy who doesn’t want to give up control just before surrender. I believe this was the unclean spirit’s “last stand” before Jesus would finally cast out the demon and heal the boy, through the prayers of this surrendered mother. Never give up, no matter how bad it may seem, walk by faith until your prayers are answered!

You may or may not believe in such talk about evil spirits, but Jesus spoke of them often, called us to heal the sick and cast out demons, and if you speak to any missionaries entering remote territories in Africa, they will tell you the existence of demons is undeniable.

Bones healed by prayer miracle CBN Healing Testamony Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing

Sickle Cell Anemia Miracle in Africa

Completely Healed from Sickle Cell Anemia!
When tests showed little Esther had Sickle Cell Anemia, her mother feared the worst. But the child’s faith was stronger than any disease. Be inspired by her story!
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Body parts restored by documented miracle Bones healed by prayer miracle CBN Healing Testamony Miracle Healing

The Miracle of a Christmas Prayer

The Miracle of a Christmas Prayer
Watch this Christmas healing gift from God as His healing power comes down and touches one woman’s life forever…. changing her understanding of God’s love for each of us- All because of what Jesus has done on the cross! God is good!

Body parts restored by documented miracle Bones healed by prayer miracle CBN Healing Testamony Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing

A Christmas Eve Miracle Restores A Crippled Life- Never give up Hope!

A Christmas Eve Miracle Restores A Crippled Life

Ema McKinley was injured in work accident and for almost 20 years, and lived in a wheelchair. She lived in constant pain until a Christmas Eve miracle changed her life forever. Never give up hope, never stop believing! God is so good!