Man Healed of Parkinson’s Disease by Jesus!
Watch this heart warming story of a man healed through the prayers of a 16 year old, by the power of Jesus! Amen!
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Documented Healings By God
Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Man Healed of Parkinson’s Disease by Jesus!
Watch this heart warming story of a man healed through the prayers of a 16 year old, by the power of Jesus! Amen!
(1) What do I think? Totally possible, believable, miraculous, wonderful! The Love, Mercy and Power of God is active today as it has ver been! Just believe in it, believe in Him, believe in Jesus His Son. (2) Feel free to thrust in Randy Clark’s ministry, because it IS serious and thrust worthy. I know them, and have taken part in several of their ministerial trips to Brazil, my country. Things DO happen there, under the safe cover of the Glory of God. I can’t say the same about other ministries that I haven’t witnessed personally.