Woman Gets Healed After Being Paralyzed For 23 Years
Don’t miss this amazing testimony of the love of Jesus instantly healing this precious women!!!! He is Alive!
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Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Woman Gets Healed After Being Paralyzed For 23 Years
Don’t miss this amazing testimony of the love of Jesus instantly healing this precious women!!!! He is Alive!
I started to read this blog because I felt a connection with your earlier sentiments about healings in the church. However with your turn around I felt you really had proof for your new convictions. This ‘miracle’ has a healthy looking woman who claims to have been paralyzed for 23 years, that’s a long time to have spent immobilized and not have muscular wasting. She looks like she just got paralyzed a few minutes before the miracle. I’m sorry if I sounded sarcastic but after several years of giving my all to the church in mindless devotion, I’m now opening my eyes and mind and refusing to be used to build someone else empire.
Hey Maxwell,
As I’ve said to others, there are many documented miracles on the site. But it’s also true many worthy testimonies are not documented which means I can only do my best to sort out those that seem “fake” and not post such testimonies. My goal is to encourage other believers with the best authentic material I can find and it’s my hope that each is real, but it’s only a judgement call at best with some testimonies since this isn’t a scientific site. I hope the site has encouraged you in some small way on your own walk of faith.
God Bless you,
Scott L
Praise the Lord! I just have to say that I personally know a lady who has been paralyzed (a pastor’s wife) for 20 some years…looks just as healthy as this woman. and every time we see her we believe the Lord fr her healing to be manifested. Be careful about taking the Glory away from the Lord’s Work. There are a lot of things that have taken place in the Name of Jesus that aren’t of Jesus, but that shouldn’t stop us from looking at each incident as possibly being of Jesus…In other words, we shouldn’t allow our cynicism to throw out the baby with the bath water. The Father is being Glorified in the Name of Jesus Christ, and I will give Him all Glory as the Holy Spirit brings Glory to that matchless Name.
I will call false doctrine for what it is, but it isn’t the man that is healing…they are merely vessels through which the Lord is operating…in the end there will be many who say
“Mat 7:22 …. Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?”
He doesn’t say that they didn’t do them. He simply says:
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
I don’t run after signs, but I do allow them to manifest in and through me for the Glory of God. And the less critical I become of the vessels (whether good or bad), the more He seems to use me. It’s not about me or them…He said let the tares grow with the wheat until the harvest. It’s all about Jesus, and that He gets the Glory!