Smith Wigglesworth Testimony “I am the Lord the Healeth Thee” James 5:13

Does the Lord meet those who look to Him for healing and obey the instructions set forth in James? Most assuredly. Let me tell you a story to show how He will undertake for the most extreme case.

One day I had been visiting the sick, and was with a friend of mine, an architect, when I saw a young man f from his office coming down the road in a car, and holding in his hand a telegram. It contained a very urgent request that we go immediately to pray for a man who was dying. We went off in an auto as fast as possible and in about an hour and a half reached a large house in the country where the man who was dying resided. There were two staircases in that house, and it was extremely convenient, for the doctors could go up and down one, and my friend and I could go up and down the other, and so we had no occasion to meet.

I found on arrival that it was a case of this sort. The man’s body had been broken, he was ruptured, and his bowels had been punctured in two places. The discharge from the bowels had formed abscesses, and blood poisoning had set in. The man’s face had turned green. Two doctors were in attendance, but they saw that the case was beyond their power. They had telegraphed to London for a great specialist, and, when we arrived, they were at the railway station awaiting his arrival.

The man was very near death and could not speak. I said to his wife, “If you desire, we will anoint and pray for him.” She said, “That is why I sent for you.” I anointed him in the name of the Lord and asked the Lord to raise him up. Apparently there was no change. (God often hides what He does. From day to day we find that God is doing wonderful things, and we receive reports of healings that have taken place that we heard nothing about at the time of our meetings. Only last night a woman came into the meeting suffering terribly. Her whole arm was filled with poison, and her blood was so poisoned that it was certain to bring her to her death. We rebuked the thing, and she was here this morning and told us that she was without pain and had slept all night, a thing she had not done for two months. To God be all the praise. You will find He will do this kind of thing all along.)

As soon as we anointed and prayed for this brother we went down the back staircase and the three doctors came up the front staircase. As we arrived downstairs, I said to my friend who had come with me, “Friend let me have hold of your hands.” We held each other’s hands, and I said to him, “Look into my face and let us agree together, according to Matthew 18:19, that this man shall be brought out of this death.” We laid the whole matter before God, and said, “Father, we believe.”

Then the conflict began. The wife came down to us and said, “The doctors have got all their instruments out and they are about to operate.” I cried, “What? Look here, he’s your husband, and I tell you this, if those men operate on him, he will die. Go back and tell them you cannot allow it.” She went back to the doctors and said, “Give me ten minutes.” They said, “We can’t afford to, the man is dying and it is your husband’s only chance.” She said, “I want ten minutes, and you don’t touch his body until I have had them.”

They went downstairs by one staircase and we went up by the other. I said to the woman, “This man is your husband, and he cannot speak for himself. It is now the time for you to put your whole trust in God and prove Him wholly true. You can save him from a thousand doctors. You must stand with God and for God in this critical hour.” After that, we came down and the doctors went up. The wife faced those three doctors and said, “You shan’t touch this man’s body. He is my husband. I am sure that if you operate on him he will die, but he will live if you don’t touch him.”

Suddenly the man in the bed spoke. “God has done it,” he said. They rolled back the bed clothes and the doctors examined him, and the abscesses were cut clear away. The nurse cleaned the place where they had been. The doctors could see the bowels still open and they said to the wife, “We know that you have great faith, and we can see that a miracle has taken place. But you must let us unite these broken parts and put in silver tubes, and we know that your husband will be all right after that, and it need not interfere with your faith at all.” She said to them, “God has done the first thing and He can do the rest. No man shall touch him now.” And God healed the whole thing. And that man is well and strong today. I can give his name and address to any who want it.

Do you ask by what power this was done? I would answer in the words of Peter, “His name, through faith in His name, made this man strong.” The anointing was done in the name of the Lord. And it is written, “The LORD shall raise him up.” And He provides the double cure; even if sin has been the cause of the sickness, His Word declares, “If he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven,”

You ask, “What is faith?” Faith is the principle of the Word of God. The Holy Spirit, who inspired the Word, is called the Spirit of Truth, and, as we receive with meekness the engrafted Word, faith springs in our heart-faith in the sacrifice of Calvary: faith in the shed blood of Jesus; faith in the fact that He took our weakness upon Himself, has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains, and that He is our life today.

God has chosen us to help one another. We dare not be independent. He brings us to a place where we submit ourselves to one another. If we refuse to do this, we get away from the Word of God and out of the place of faith.

From “Ever Increasing Faith”
Sermon: I am the Lord that Healeth Thee