Smith Wigglesworth Healing a Dying Catholic Woman in France
I was in Havre in France and the power of God was being mightily manifested. A Greek named Felix attended the meeting and became very zealous for God. He was very anxious to get all the Catholics he could to the meeting in order that they should see that God was graciously visiting France. He found a certain bed-ridden woman who was fixed in a certain position and could not move, and he told her about the Lord healing at the meetings and that he would get me to come if she wished. She said, “My husband is a Catholic and he would never allow anyone who was not a Catholic to see me.”
She asked her husband to allow me to come and told him what Felix had told her about the power of God working in our midst. He said, “I will have no Protestant enter my house.” She said, “You know the doctors cannot help me, and the priests cannot help, won’t you let this man of God pray for me?” He finally consented and I went to the house. The simplicity of this woman and her child-like faith were beautiful to see.
I showed her my oil bottle and said to her, “Here is oil. It is a symbol of the Holy Ghost. When that comes upon you, the Holy Ghost will begin to work, and the Lord will raise you up.” And God did something the moment the oil fell upon her. I looked toward the window and I saw Jesus. (I have seen Him often. There is no painting that is a bit like Him: no artist can ever depict the beauty of my lovely Lord.) The woman felt the power of God in her body and cried, “I’m free, my hands are free, my shoulders are free, and oh, I see Jesus! I’m free! I’m free!”
The vision vanished and the woman sat up in bed. Her legs were still bound, and I said to her, “I’ll put my hands over your legs and you will be free entirely.” And as I put my hands on those legs covered with bed clothes, I looked and saw the Lord again. She saw Him too and cried, “He’s there again. I’m free! I’m free!” She rose from her bed and walked round the room praising God, and we were all in tears as we saw His wonderful works. The Lord shall raise them up when conditions are met.
From “Ever Increasing Faith”
Sermon: I am the Lord that Healeth Thee