Healings in Manchester, New Hampshire, with Eric Wilding, Scott and Laury Levesque, Joseph R, Garth and friends.
Watch what happens as a boy comes looking to be healed after his friends were healed in Jesus’ name. What an awesome day we experienced in Manchester with Eric. The video begins right after we had already seen about 30 people healed of various conditions at the “Food for Children” event at the JFK Coliseum. One woman we prayed for had a “withered arm” that had no functions due to a terrible accidental severing of her nerves in a surgical procedure 12 years earlier. After about 5 minutes of constant prayer she started to get feeling back in the forearm. After about 10 minutes she started to move her hand for the first time in 12 years. by the time we finished, she was lifting her arm again! Jesus is Lord!!!
The video ends with the same young boy who avoided us 2 hours earlier, coming back to receive healing for his wrist. But he received more than just healing, he got Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit! This is the life we are all called to live out by becoming light in the darkness and spreading the good news of Jesus to the lost. Come on Church, let’s run – we can do this 🙂
Scott & Laury Levesque