Documented Healings By God

Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
Sid Roth "It's Supernatural"

Brain Damaged Woman Wakes up from Coma Smarter!

Woman in Coma for Two Months Expected to Die Awakens!

This is a very inspiring testimony and miracle about remaining in faith and trusting God rather than trusting in what we see with our eyes when faced with tragedy. With little hope for life, and then little hope for a normal life after severe brain damage, this young woman arises smarter than before, defying science and medicine! What an amazing testimony!

Yay God!!

Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing Sid Roth "It's Supernatural"

The Miracle Café- Testimony from Aliss Cresswell on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth

Watch this amazing testimony of healing as told by Aliss Cresswell

You won’t believe this one as seen on “It’s supernatural” with Sid Roth!! It will “shatter” what you think is possible in the name of Jesus! …..God is good, Jesus is Lord!

Body parts restored by documented miracle Bones healed by prayer miracle Miracle Healing Sid Roth "It's Supernatural"

12 Amazing Testimonies compiled from Sid Roth

12 Video’s from Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural”

It’s Supernatural is a well known program highlighting some of the most amazing testimonies about God moving through miracles, signs and wonders around the globe.
I know some of these may be too tough to believe but you should keep in mind that Sid goes to great lengths to confirm and document anything he broadcasts on his show, through eyewitness accounts and meticulous investigation of the facts. He won’t put it on the show if it’s not confirmed through this process.

Heaven or Hell encounter Salvation Sid Roth "It's Supernatural"

Boy returns from death coma with a meassage from God!


What an amazing testimony of God’s love through a young boy.

As Retah and her family were returning from one of these public speaking events in the Free State not long after she delivered the message above, her own precious tablet fell from her hands and shattered into a million pieces. The entire McPherson family was involved in a terrible motor car accident. Retah, her husband Tinus and her youngest son Josh walked away with little or no injuries, but her eldest son Aldo felt the full brunt of the impact. He was thrown from the vehicle and found unconscious on the other side of the highway.  This was the start of a long upward road of endurance relying only on God’s grace, mercy and provision.

Aldo was on life support for a long time after the accident, and during that time Retah was lifted into a new level of walking by faith and not by sight. Although Aldo suffered severe brain injuries as a result of the accident, Retha testifies: “God is good! He has awakened my Sprit to Him and I have come to know Him as a holy God who wants my life, not only my heart.”

After a few weeks in a coma, Aldo finally woke up. While he was in a coma, he had a supernatural experience where he went to heaven, saw God, the angels, Moses and Abraham. Aldo came back with one message: “Jesus is alive!” Due to the seriousness of his injuries to his head Aldo was not able to speak for a long time and related his miraculous journey by writing letters lead by the Holy Spirit – which he is still doing today.

After these series of events their lives were forever changed. Retah and Aldo co-authored a book titled “A Message from God” which relates their miracle story in detail. Retah has since retired from her mainstream job and is now busy with full-time ministry. She travels around the country and the world spreading this simple truth “Jesus is alive!”

In closing, here is an excerpt from the preface of her book A Message from God:

I’ve always confessed that I’m a Christian. I’ve always known God. I believed in the Holy Trinity and even served God.

Yet, when I look back now I realize that I was merely living a good life filled with good deeds. I didn’t really know God’s character and I had no idea what it meant to be completely sold out to Him – which is the only sacrifice that is ever acceptable In His sight. I had to live through a terrible tragedy and huge suffering, before I was finally willing to sacrifice everything, including my son to God. Only after all that, did I hand over control of my life to Him and did I get to know Him personally.

All this pain was so unnecessary! Jesus had already paid the price in full. After I had given my life to Him as a living sacrifice, I could get in line with God’s perfect plan for my life – to live in a love relationship with the living God!

Only then could I say that it didn’t matter whether I lived or died, as long as I glorified God.

For a long time I thought it was my husband’s responsibility to make me happy, but the truth is no human being can make you completely happy. Only Jesus can do that for you. He is the ANSWER to all questions; the SOLUTION to all your problems, the FULFILMENT of all your needs and desires. He is ALL things to ALL men! I tried to quench my thirst with all sorts of things like perfectionism, fame, wealth and achievement. But, now that the fire of the Holy Spirit has purified me from the inside out, I know Jesus is the fountain of living water.  He is the only One who can quench my thirst forever.

Know one thing for sure: Jesus is alive! – Retah McPherson

If you would like to find out more about this miraculous story please go to the following website: