Documented Healings By God

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Miracle Healing

Amazing Miracles in NH & MA- Eric Wilding: Wilding Ministries

Checkout these amazing miracle testimonies from 11/15 & 11/16/2014. Eric Wilding came to visit us to hit the streets of NH & MA with our usual weekend healing team. In scripture, Jesus told us to say “The Kingdom of heaven is near”…..that statement was indeed very true this weekend! What a privilege and honor to minister with our friends Eric and Joseph….God is so good!

Manchester and Boston Miracles:
(As posted by Eric on FB)

Just before heading to Boston for ministry!
Just before heading to Boston for ministry!

This past weekend, Scott & Laury Levesque invited Joseph R and I to visit them in New Hampshire. We had an amazing weekend and saw dozens of miracles and healing testimonies. Here are some highlights;

We went to a parking lot in Manchester, NH, where some believers have a ministry to feed hundreds of people each week who are struggling to make ends meet and/or are living on the street. While there, we met a lady who had a withered arm. It was an amazing Jesus moment. Over a decade and a half ago, she had an injection and surgery in her right arm. Something went terribly wrong which caused damage to the muscles and nerves. Her arm has been paralyzed all this time. She had no use of or feeling in her hand and could only slightly move her arm from her side. Scott and I blessed her and commanded her arm to come back to life in Jesus’ name. She started to gain feeling in the arm and then in the hand. She felt tingling and heat. She then was able to rotate her arm and move her fingers. She kept remarking how strange and incredible this was. We spent about ten minutes with her, holding her hand and arm and blessing her. She was able to move her arm to shoulder height and move her fingers. We were in awe of what Jesus did for this woman. She was overjoyed, now she could pick up her three year old grand daughter.

We saw many other people getting healed at the food bank in the parking lot. One mother told me of the multiple conditions that she had, including a hole in her back so that she could not bend over. She was set free from all of the conditions. Another single mother, tried to ignore our question whether she had any pain, but her six year old daughter told on her, “Tell them about your back, mommy!” She then told us that she had been in a car accident and has been in pain for three years. She decided to let us bless her in Jesus’ name. After two blessings, she said the pain was still the same. But then something shifted the third time. Then with each blessing the pain decreased (7 to 0). She was able to bend over and walk without any pain.

We also saw some Muslim youths healed and   feel the presence of God and get very happy with the gospel that God loves them and accepts them as He accepts His son Jesus.

Later the group who had been praying for people, including two pre-teen boys who had seen multiple healings in the parking lot, went to Five Guys for burgers. There we saw more people healed. One college student named John had a short leg which grew out and then he told us that he also had a one smaller foot than the other. He was surprised as he felt his foot moving and fill out the shoe.

We went on to a poorer area of Manchester and prayed for some people on the streets. photoThere is video to follow about a group of preteens on a basketball court who got healed and one young boy who hunted us down later–the video is amazing.

We prayed for a man who had been struggling with addictions and suicidal thoughts. The whole group of us (10 people) gathered around him and blessed him. He had been deaf in one ear due to an injury; we blessed him in Jesus’ name. We tested out the deaf ear by blocking the hearing ear and standing behind him. He could her our questions and make the appropriate responses:
“What is your favourite baseball team?”
“Ah, I guess it would be the Red Sox.”
His whole countenance changed while we loved on him. Glory!

In the evening, we had a meeting at His Way Church in Haverhill, Massachusetts. it was a wonderful evening of hugs in Abba’s arms and ecstatic bliss! We broke into small groups to bless people. One lady had a severely cut hand. She felt the pain decrease by half and regain further motion in the hand and the scaring decreased as well. We saw other people getting touched and healed, a couple with chronic back pain were set free. There were people getting visions and prophetic downloads all over the place. photoThis is a free and amazing church–if you are in the area, give it a visit!

The next day, we drove to Boston and loved on people in the subway and on the streets. We met two men on the subway who were coming from an AA meeting and were believers. One man, Al, got touched by Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues for the first time. On the streets, we prayed for a man, William, in a wheel chair. He gave his life to Jesus while we were with him and blessing him/ We saw him a few times over the next hour. Each time we saw him, he kept saying that he was getting more feeling in his foot. His countenance also completely changed from the time we first met him. photo 3We saw some young people skateboarding and talked with a few of them. One young man accepted Jesus as Lord of his life. One older man with a cane was prayed for by Scott and the group and was 2 A couple of men in the subway felt the presence of the Lord and gave their lives to him.
At the end of the subway line, we blessed a few more people. One young lady had a torn ACL in her knee from a basketball injury. there is video to follow of this as well.

It was an amazing weekend of fellowship, love, prophetic words, visions, miracles, healings, bliss and glory. photo 1There was so much more that happened than what I have recorded here from my observations and conversations with people. Thanks so much for Laury and Scott Levesque for inviting, hosting and loving us. Thanks to His Way Church and to the brothers and sisters who went on the streets with us. It is wonderful to see the love of Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit flowing through believers and touching and transforming lives. Glory and praise to the Holy Blessed Trinity!

Miracle Healing Scott Levesque The Last Reformation Torben Søndergaard

Healing on the streets of Manhattan NY

Healing in Manhattan NY with Torben Sondergaard

Check out my wild personal testimonies from NY
Scott Levesque 7/29/2014
Last week we were on the streets of Manhattan healing the sick and sharing the good news of the Gospel. Torben was on a skateboarders kick and prayed for 4-5 different groups of young men boarding on the sidewalks. In each meeting, all injuries were healed but more important, each experienced a powerful touch from the Holy Spirit and were visibly changed after prayer. Some were ready to go deeper hearing about God, while others just continued on their way. It was really encouraging to see first hand how this all works and cool to watch it in action!Manhattan PoliceAs we stood waiting outside a gift shop while his family was shopping. I got a sense that one of the policemen near us on the street had back problems. I mentioned it to Torben and sternly he said “you go pray for him”! Since I was with a world class evangelist, in the most famous city on the planet, looking at policemen in full uniform, I was really really nervous to go pray for him, to say the least. My heart was pounding but then he moved quite a ways down the street so I thought the moment passed. But as God would have it, within 3 minutes, he came back, came off the street and stood 15 feet away from me on the sidewalk. Yikes, now my heart was really pounding!

At that very moment, I actually remembered the scripture Torben acted out in class last week about the lamb being sent out into a world surrounded by wolves. While thinking about it, I could hear Jesus saying “fear not for I am with you!”….so I went over and started talking with him.

After a minute of chat, I asked if he had any back pain and he said his neck was hurting as it did daily. I asked if he would let me pray, and he said yes, then I asked if I could lay my hand on his neck and he said absolutely and then Jesus showed up completely healed him. The expression of healing was seen in his face as he smiled really big and said “I’m not going to lie to you, my neck feels really good right now!” Think about that for a moment, I’m in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, with some of the toughest cops on the planet, and through compassion, I’m able to lay hands on a fully weaponized policeman!! Surely you can’t make this stuff up!

He was so amazed that he called another policeman from nearby to give testimony. He said something like “Hey Tony, check this out – my neck just got healed, don’t you have a bad back? Let this guy pray for you…” Tony says “yes, my lower back always has pain.” Can I pray? Yes, Can I lay my hand on your back? Yes! I think he actually had a brace on… So I prayed for him and the expression on his face was just as priceless when Jesus healed the first guy- his mouth was wide open in disbelief! It was awesome!!

Then he said his neck was also in a lot of pain- when asked he said the pain was at a 6 on a scale to 10. One ten second prayer in the name of Jesus and the pain went down to a one. A second prayer and it was completely gone – again, seeing his expression of amazement was so encouraging. I think I stepped out in faith that night further than ever before and Jesus met me in the gap. Just as He promised, He was with me in a place surrounded by wolves! It all ended with giving Jesus the glory while first policeman asked me for my phone number in case he needed prayer in the future. I gave it to him along with Torben’s website. What a memory I’ll never forget of faith being built while surrounded by fear! lol

Two of Manhattans finest policemen in full uniform, on the job, healed on the streets getting set free from pain, getting touched by God, and bringing glory to our Lord.Surely the Kingdom is near…. You can’t make this stuff up- it’s the disciples life intended for all of us!!
….. Go – Do – Make disciples

— with Torben Søndergaard