Healed of Crohn’s Disease!
She Had Crohn’s disease for 17 years and was taking 20 pills a day, but then learned the truth about God’s will to heal us (Isaiah 53:4-5) and was set free, when hearing Bill Johnson speak of God’s amazing love!
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We serve an all powerful, all loving God and He is the Lord who heals us His children!
Praise Him. 1Peter 2:24; Psalm 107:20
God healed me of Crohn’s but some symptoms keep coming back. I keep praying thiem away. I have forgiven everyone I can think of. I want to be healed from this once and for all.
I want to be healed and have my life again. Heard your story and it gives me hope!!
Lyn, in the name of Jesus be healed, Crohn’s disease go – all symptoms and pain go and do not return in Jesus name- Amen