Documented Healings By God

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Holy Spirit John G Lake Miracle Healing

John G Lake on Miracles and Healing

John G Lake on Healing

The struggle of the centuries has been to free the soul from narrow interpretations. Jesus has sometimes been made to appear as a little bigot; sometimes as an imposter. The world is still waiting to see him as he is. Jesus the magnificent, Jesus the giant, Jesus the compassionate, Jesus the dynamic-the wonder of the centuries.

Take the shackles off God.

Let him have a chance to bless mankind without limitations. As a missionary I have seen the healing of thousands of heathen. Thus was Christ’s love and compassion for the lost world revealed. And thus the writer was assisted into the larger vision of a world Redeemer whose hand and heart are extended to God’s big world and every man, saint, and sinner, is invited to behold and love Him…….

Healing is by degree, based on two conditions. First, the degree of healing virtue administered. Second, the degree of faith that gives action and power to the virtue administered.

The word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.-Hebrews 4:2

The miracles of Jesus have been the battleground of the centuries. Men have devoted their lives and endeavored to break down Faith in miracles. More believe in miracles today than ever before.

Pseudo-science declares miracles impossible. Yet the biggest men in the scientific world are believers in the supernatural and know that miracles are the discovery, the utilization of which the material scientist knows nothing.

The miracle realm is man’s natural realm. He is by creation, the companion of the miracle-working God. Sin dethroned man from the miracle-working realm, but through Grace is coming into his own.

It’s been hard for us to grasp the principles of this life of faith. In the beginning, man’s spirit was the dominant force in the world. When he sinned, his mind became dominant; sin dethroned the spirit and crowned the intellect.

But Grace is restoring the spirit to its place of Dominion. When man comes to realize this, he will live in the realm of the supernatural without effort. No longer will faith be a struggle, but a normal living in the realm of God. The spiritual realm places man where communion with God is a normal experience. Miracles are then his native breath.

No one knows to what extent the mind and the spirit can be developed. We have been slow to come to a realization that man is a spirit and his spirit nature is his basic nature. We have sought to educate him along educational lines, utterly ignoring the spiritual, so man has become a self-centered, self-seeking being.

Man has lost his sense of relationship and responsibility toward God and man. This makes him lawless. We cannot ignore the spiritual side of man without magnifying the intellectual and the physical. To do this without the restraint of the Spirit is to unleash sin and give it dominance over the whole man. There must be a culture and development of the spiritual nature to a point where it can enjoy fellowship with the father God. It is a above mind, as God is above nature.

Man’s intellect is ever conscious of supernatural forces that he cannot understand. He senses the spirit realm and longs for its freedom and creative power, but cannot enter until changed from self and sin; the spirit enthroned and in action rather than the intellect – spirit above both mind and matter.

The life of God, the Spirit of God, the nature of God, are sufficient for every need of man. In the highest sense of the word, he is “real” Christian who’s body, soul, and spirit alike are filled with the life of God.

Healing in any department of nature, whether spirit, soul, or body is but a means to an end. The object of healing his health, abiding health of body, soul, and spirit. The healing of the spirit unites the spirit of man to God for ever. The healing of the soul corrects psychic disorder and brings the soul processes into harmony with the mind of God. And the healing of the body completes the union of man with God when the Holy Spirit possesses all.
John G. Lake

Is it true today God is abandoning the “virtue that went out of him and healed them all” for medical science? Would it not be abandoning the perfect for the imperfect?

From John G Lake: the complete collection of his life teachings
The ministry of healing and miracles
Pages 640- 642
Whitaker house publishing

Compiled by Roberts Liarden

Body parts restored by documented miracle Cancer Medical Miracle Healing Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Internal Physical Healing John G Lake Miracle Healing

John G Lake Testimony: Tumor Dissolves Overnight

From the book Spiritual Hunger and other sermons by: John G. Lake.

“…Recently a dear woman was present in our meeting with a tumor that her physicians had believed to be an unborn child. The physicians had been fooled by a movement which they had considered similar to life movement. They believed the woman would become a mother, until the normal time of pregnancy had long passed. She came with her nurse to the healing rooms and old me her symptoms. She was the first one to be prayed for at the close of the service.

“When I awoke this morning I was perfectly normal.”

The next day she returned and said, “Mr. Lake, I want you to see me. I have my corset on. I am perfectly normal. When I went to bed I was not aware that anything had taken place, except that the choking had ceased and I felt comfortable, but I was not aware of any decreasing in my size. When I awoke this morning I was perfectly normal.” I said, “How did the tumor disappear? Was it in the form of a liquid?” She said, “No, nothing came from my person.” Where did a great tumor like that go? What happened to it? The living Spirit of God absolutely dematerialized the tumor and the process was accomplished in one night while the woman slept. That is one of God’s methods of surgical operations, isn’t it?”
YES, Yes it is. Praise God.

Body parts restored by documented miracle Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Internal Physical Healing John G Lake Miracle Healing Paralyzed documented miracles

John G Lake: Healing Testimony of Grover Ridson

JOHN G. LAKE Healing:
The Church at Spokane
Sept 29, 1918

In Paul’s MATCHLESS defense before Agrippa, the governor, he exclaimed: “Why should it be thought a thing impossible that God should raise the DEAD?”

His knowledge of God and the conscious almightiness of the Holy Spirit’s power was so real in him that doubt had disappeared and limiting of God had ceased.

The modern world has not yet acquired that unlimited spirit of faith in God. But here and there throughout the world we see a soul coming to maturity in faith. They have an advanced vision. They declare a possibility. They demonstrate a superiority of faith. They manifest a greater measure of Spiritual power.

John Knox prayed for a nation and received an answer. He prayed “Give me Scotland or I die.” He saw Scotland renewed in the life of God.

Martin Luther prayed for his friend, David Melanthon, when he was dying, and God healed him.

St. Patrick of Ireland, a man of apostolic power, prayed for the deliverance of Ireland from Druid worship and the banishment of snakes that then invested the island and destroyed many lives. Druidism gave place to Christianity. The snakes disappeared and have never returned and a testimony of the power of prayer, and faith in God was established in the character of the people of Ireland.

John Wesley, the found of Methodism, prayed not only for the healing and salvation of men and received the answer, but also for his lame horse, and the horse was instantly healed.

Rev. Lake and his associates prayed for Grover Ridson of 914 Rockwell avenue, Spokane, and God performed one of the most remarkable miracles of healing that is known to history. When Baby Grover was born, he was found to have a closed head; the opening in the top of the head that permits the skull to expand was closed. The brain grew, forcing the skull UPWARD THREE INCHES, like the ridge of a house roof. The forehead was forced upward in the same manner and the back of the head likewise.

The pressure on the brain caused paralysis of the right side and leg, also the foot. the CHILD WAS DUMB, and could not speak.

Medical science could give no relief or offer a cure.

Surgical science said: Wait unitll he is 10 ears old then we will cut the skull into eight sections and put a plate over his head to cover the brain.

Surgeons frankly said: “We fear such an operation may destroy his life, but it is his only chance.”

Then the parents in distress turned to the church and pastors, but they told them, “God does not hear prayer for healing now; that was to prove to the people in Jesus’ day that He was divine.”

The father said: “If he healed my stricken son it would prove to ME that He is DIVINE NOW.”

Then hope came. The mother (who was severely afflicted came to Rev Lake’s Healing Rooms and was Healed. FAITH GREW. Her daughter Alice was partially blind, and could only see by the use of the most powerful glasses. She was stricken with appendicitis. When suffering tortures, his hands were laid upon her in Jesus’ name, and she was healed .

Then Grover was brought to the Healing Rooms. As Rev. Lake ministered to him the second time the paralysis was destroyed. He could walk like other children. Then the head began to come down and expand normally in a short time he could speak like other six-year-old children.

God’s work is perfect. He is wholly well. And the boy, his parents, his family, the neighborhood, the city of Spokane, and the world is better because Jesus Christ was honored as savior and healer still.
(Original News Article Here🙂

John G Lake Miracle Healing

History of John G Lake Ministries

History of John G. Lake

A Man of Healing

John G. Lake 	A Man of Healing    </p> <p> If there was ever a man who walked in the revelation of “God in man,” it was John G. Lake. A man of purpose, vision, strength and character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person. He often said that the secret of heaven’s power was not in the doing, but in the being. He believed that Spirit-filled Christians should enjoy the same type of ministry Jesus did while living on earth, and that this reality could only be accomplished by seeing themselves as God saw them. John G. Lake lived his life and fulfilled his ministry in the earth with this type of spiritual understanding. If we would just grasp the reality of our position through Jesus Christ, as Lake did, every nation would ring with the praises of God.

  • was responsible for raising over 1,000,000 converts, 625 churches and 1,250 preachers in five years of ministry.
  • because of his resurrection revelation, had a deadly plague germ die in his hand, yet at the start of his ministry thought one could only be healed in Dr. Dowie’s Healing Home.
  • had such an incredible healing ministry, that according to statistics, the U.S. Government declared his city, Spokane, Washington, to be the healthiest city in America.

John G. Lake was known as God’s “Apostle to Africa”. Born in Canada in 1870, his family soon relocated to the United States, where he grew up. His healing and preaching ministry spanned the years 1898 (when he saw his wife instantly healed under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie) until his death in 1935. In 1908, God sent him to Africa, where his anointed miracle ministry resulted in what has been described as “the most extensive and powerful missionary movement in all Africa.” As Gordon Lindsay wrote, “during that time he spent five history-making years in South Africa, engaged in a ministry which in some respects rivaled that of the Early Church.” Upon his return to America, Lake established a ministry in Spokane, Washington which resulted in no less than 100,000 astounding miracles of healing within the space of five or six years. He then established a similar work in Portland, Oregon, which also attracted widespread attention.

John G. LakeLike Smith Wigglesworth [see reference below], John G. Lake had already experienced mighty breakthroughs, powerful anointings and a real calling from God for many years before Azusa Street [see reference below] and the Pentecostal Revival [see reference below]. The following is a condensed account of the spiritual hunger and preparation that Lake was taken through by God, near the beginning of the most anointed period of his ministry. (Taken from the book, ‘John G. Lake – Apostle to Africa’, compiled by Gordon Lindsay, and told in Lake’s own words):

“Eight years passed after God revealed Jesus the Healer to me. I had been practicing the ministry of healing. During that eight years every answer to prayer, every miraculous touch of God, every response of my own soul to the Spirit had created within me a more intense longing for an intimacy and a consciousness of God, like I felt the disciples of Jesus and the primitive church had possessed… Shortly after my entrance into the ministry of healing, while attending a service where the necessity for the Baptism of the Spirit was presented, as I knelt in prayer and reconsecration to God, an anointing of the Spirit came upon me. Waves of Holy Glory passed through my being, and I was lifted into a new realm of God’s presence and power. After this, answers to prayer were frequent and miracles of healing occurred from time to time. I felt myself on the borderland of a great spiritual realm, but was unable to enter in fully, so my nature was not satisfied with the attainment…” (Pg 16).

“Hundreds, and hundreds of people were healed by the power of God during these ten years. But at the end of that ten years, I believe I was the hungriest man for God that ever lived. There was such a hunger for God that as I left my offices in Chicago, and walked down the street, my soul would break out, and I would cry, ‘Oh God!’ I have had people stop and look at me, and wonder. It was the yearning passion of my soul, asking for God in a greater measure than I knew. But my friends would say, ‘Mr. Lake, you have a beautiful Baptism of the Holy Ghost.’ Yes, it was nice as far as it went, but it was not answering the cry of my heart. I was growing up into a larger understanding of God, and my own soul’s need. My soul was demanding a greater entrance into God, His love, Presence, and Power. And then one day an old man strolled into my office, sat down, and in the next half hour, he revealed more of the knowledge of God to my soul than I had ever known before. When he left I said, ‘… God, if that is what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues does, I am going to possess it.’ Oh the wonder of God, that was then revealed to my heart!…

John G. Lake Crusade Meeting held in a big tent.
John G. Lake Crusade Meeting held in a big tent.

“Finally I was led to set aside certain hours of the day that I dedicated to God, as times of meditation, and prayer. Thus a number of months passed, until one morning as I knelt praying, the Spirit of the Lord spoke within my spirit, and said, “Be patient until autumn.” My heart rejoiced in this encouragement and I continued my practice of meditation and prayer as formerly. It became easy for me to detach myself from the course of life, so that while my hands and mind were engaged in the common affairs of every day, my spirit maintained its attitude of communion with God… I said, ‘God, if you will baptize me in the Holy Spirit, and give me the power of God, nothing shall be permitted to stand before me and a hundred-fold obedience.

“I prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for nine months, and if a man ever prayed honestly, and sincerely in the faith, I did. Finally one day I was ready to throw up my hands, and quit. I said, ‘Lord, it may be for others, but it is not for me. You just cannot give it to me.’ I did not blame God. One night a gentleman by the name of Pierce said, ‘Mr. Lake, I have been wishing for a long time you would come over, and we would spend a night in prayer together. We have been praying for the Baptism for a whole year and there is not one of us baptized yet. Brother, I do not believe that you are either, so we can pray for one another.’ I was so hungry to pray, so I went with all intentions of praying for the rest, but I had not been praying five minutes until the light of God began to shine around me, I found myself in a center of an arc of light ten feet in diameter, the whitest light in all the universe. So white! Oh how it spoke of purity. The remembrance of that whiteness, that wonderful whiteness, has been the ideal that has stood before my soul, of the purity of the nature of God ever since.

“Then a Voice began to talk to me out of that light. There was no form. And the Voice began to remind me of this incident, and that incident of disobedience to my parents, from a child; of my obstinacy, and dozens of instances when God brought me up to the line of absolutely putting my body, soul, and spirit upon the altar forever. I had my body upon the altar for ten years, and I had been a minister of the Gospel. But when the Lord comes, He opens to the soul the depths that have never been touched in your life. Do you know that after I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, things opened up in the depths of my nature that had remained untouched in all my life, and that which was shadowy, distant, and hazy became real. God got up close and let His light shine into me.

“Shortly after this experience, one afternoon a brother minister called, and invited me to accompany him to visit a lady who was sick. Arriving at the home we found the lady in a wheel chair. All her joints were set with inflammatory rheumatism. She had been in the condition for ten years…While my friend was conversing with her, preparing her to be prayed with, that she might be healed, I sat in a deep chair on the opposite side of a large room. My soul was crying out to God in a yearning too deep for words, when suddenly it seemed to me, that I had passed under a shower of warm tropical rain, which was not falling upon me, but through me. My spirit, and soul and body under this influence soothed into such a deep still calm, as I had never known. My brain, which had always been so active, became perfectly still. An awe of the presence of God settled over me. I knew it was God.

“Some moments passed; I do not know how many. The Spirit said, ‘I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears. You are now Baptized in the Holy Spirit.’ Then currents of power began to rush through my being from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. The shocks of power increased in rapidity, and voltage. As these currents of power would pass through me, they seemed to come upon my head, rush through my body, and through my feet into the floor… Even at this late date, the awe of that hour rests upon my soul. My experience has truly been as Jesus said that He shall be within you ‘a well of water, springing up into everlasting life.’ That never-ceasing fountain has flowed through my spirit, soul, and body day, and night, bringing salvation, and healing, and the Baptism of the Spirit in the power of God to multitudes.

“Shortly after my Baptism in the Holy Spirit, a working of the Spirit commenced in me, that seemed to have for it’s purpose the revelation of the nature of Jesus Christ to me and in me. Through this tuition and remolding of the Spirit a great tenderness for mankind was to awaken in my soul. I saw mankind through new eyes. They seemed to me as wandering sheep, having strayed far, in the midst of confusion, groping and wandering hither and thither. They had no definite aim and did not seem to understand what the difficulty was or how to return to God. The desire to proclaim the message of Christ, and demonstrate His power to save and bless, grew in my soul until my life was swayed by this overwhelming passion.” (Pg 16-20).

“I found that my life began to manifest in the varied range of the gifts of the Spirit. I spoke in tongues by the power of God, and God flowed through me with a new force. Healings were of a more powerful order. Oh, God lived in me; God manifested in me; God spoke through me. My spirit was energized. I had a new comprehension of God’s will, a new discernment of spirit, and a new revelation of God in me.

“Then a new wonder manifested. My nature became so sensitized, that I could lay hands on any man, or woman, and tell what organ was diseased, and to what extent, and all about it. I tested it. I went into hospitals where physicians could not diagnose a case, touched a patient, and instantly I knew the organ that was diseased, its extent, condition, and location. And one day it passed away. A child plays with a toy, and his joy is so wonderful, he sometimes forgets to eat.”

Before obeying the call into full-time ministry, Lake felt the need to dispose of his very successful business interests. He sold everything, giving the money to God’s work, and embarked on full-time ministry with a heart full of the fire of God. Soon afterward, when he was ministering in a city in Northern Illinois, God spoke to him clearly and distinctly: “Go to Indianapolis. Prepare for winter campaign. Get a large hall. In the Spring you will go to Africa.”

John G. Lake continues: “One morning when I came down to breakfast, I found my appetite had disappeared. I could not eat. I went about my work as usual. At dinner I had no desire to eat, and no more in the evening. This went on till the third day. But toward the evening of the third day, an overwhelming desire to pray took possession of me. I wanted only to be alone to pray. Prayer flowed from my soul like a stream. I could not cease praying. As soon as it was possible to get to a place of seclusion, I would kneel to pour out my heart to God for hours. Whatever I was doing, that stream of prayer continued flowing from my soul … On the night of the sixth day of this fast, that the Lord had laid on me, while in the act of washing my hands, the Spirit said, ‘How long have you been praying to cast out demons?’ and I replied, ‘Lord a long time.’ And the Spirit said, ‘From henceforth, thou shalt cast out demons.’ I arose and praised God.” (Pg 21). An opportunity to test this newly-given anointing to cast out demons came the following Sunday, when a violently insane man was brought to Lake, who commanded the demon to come out of him in Jesus’ name. The man was instantly delivered, and two days later was released from the institution that he had been confined in.

In April 1908, Lake and his family left for South Africa. Though they had no visible means of support, they were miraculously provided for every step of the way. And thus began a tremendous Revival, with mighty healings, miracles and deliverances, which was to profoundly impact the African continent for years to come, even long after Lake was gone. In 1913, following the tragic death of his wife, Lake returned to America, but by this time the torch had also been passed on to Elias Letwaba and others in Africa, and the work went on there, in great power. Lake continued his ministry in North America until his death in 1935, and like Smith Wigglesworth, he fought an outstanding fight and ran a great race, right to the very end.
From Healing Room Ministries

Books about Lake:
Gordon Lindsay, JOHN G. LAKE–APOSTLE TO AFRICA (1981)
Wilford Reidt, JOHN G. LAKE: MAN WITHOUT (1989)
Miracle Healing

John G Lake: How I Came to Devote my Life to Ministry

REV. JOHN G. LAKE: How I Came to Devote My Life to the Ministry of Healing

No one could understand the tremendous hold that the revelation of Jesus as a present day healer took on my life, and what it meant to me, unless they understood my environment.

I was on of sixteen children.  Our parents were strong, vigorous, healthy people.  My mother died at the age of seventy-five, and my father still lives and is seventy-seven.

Before my knowledge and experience of the Lord as our healer we buried eight members of the family.  A strange train of sickness, resulting in death, had followed the family, and for thirty-two years some member of the family was an invalid.  The home was never without the shadow of sickness during all this long period.  When I think back over my boyhood and young manhood there comes to my mid remembrances like a nightmare of sickness, doctors, nurses, hospitals, hearses, funerals, graveyards and tombstones, a sorrowing household, broken hearted mother and grief-stricken father, struggling to forget the sorrows of the past in order to assist the living members of the family, who needed their love and care.

At the time Christ was revealed to us as our healer my brother, who had been an invalid for twenty-two years, and upon whom father had spent a fortune for unavailing medical assistance, was dying.  He bled incessantly from his kidneys, and was kept alive through assimilation of blood-creating foods almost as fast as it flowed from his person.  I’ve never known any other man to suffer so extremely and so long as he did.

A sister, thirty-four years of age, was then dying with five cancers in her left breast, having been operated on five times at Harper’s hospital, Detroit Mich., by Dr. Karstens, a German surgeon of repute, and turned away to die.  There ws a large core cancer, and after the operations four other heads developed–five inall.

Another sister lay dying of an issue of blood.  Gradually day by day her life blood flowed away until she was in the very throes of death.

I had married and established my own home.  Very soon after our marriage the same train of conditions that had followed my father’s family appeared in mine.  My wife became an invalid form heart disease and tuberculosis.  She would lose her heart action and lapse into unconsciousness.  Sometimes I would find her lying unconscious on the floor, having been suddenly stricken, sometimes in her bed.  Stronger and stronger stimulants became necessary in order to revive the action of the heart, until finally we were using nitro-glycerine tablets i a final heroic effort to stimulate heart action.  After these heart spells she would remain in a semi-paralytic state for weeks, the result of over-stimulation, the physcians said.

But in the midst of the deepest darkness, when baffled physicians stood back and acknowledged their inability to help, when the could fo darkness and death was again hovering over the family, suddenly the light of God broke through into our soul, through the message of one Godly minister, great enough and true enough to God to proclaim the whole truth of God.

We took our brother who was dying to a Healing Home in Chicago.  Prayer was offered for him, with the laying on of hands, and he received an instant healing.  He arose from his dying cot and walked four miles, returned to his home and too, a partnership in our father’s business, a well man.

Great joy and a marvelous hope sprang up in our hearts.  A real manifestation of the healing power of God was before us.  Quickly we arranged to take our sister with her five cancers to the same healing home, carrying her on a stretcher.  She was taken into the healing meeting.  Within her soul she said, “Others may be healed because they are good.  I have not been a true Christian like others.  They may be healed because of their goodness, but I fear healing is not for me.”  It seemed more than her soul could grasp.

After listening from her cot to the preaching and teaching of the Word of God on healing through Jesus Christ, hope sprang up in her soul.  She was prayed for and hands laid on her.  As the prayer of faith arose to God, the power of God descended upon her, thrilling her being.  Her pain instantly vanished.  The swelling disappeared gradually.  The large core cancer turned black, and in a few days fell out.  The smaller ones disappeared.  The mutilated breast began to regrow and became a perfect breast again.

How our hearts thrilled!  Words can not tell this story.  A new faith sprang up within us.  If God could heal our dying brother and our dying sister, and cause cancers to disappear, He could heal anything or anybody.

Our sister with the issue of blood began to look to God for her healing.  Herself and husband were devout Christians, but though they prayed for a time, prayer seemed unanswered, until one night I received a telephone call saying that if I wished to see her in life I must come to her bedside at once.  On arriving I found that death was already upon her.  She had passed into unconsciousness.  The body was cold.  No pulsation was discernible.  Our parents knelt by her bedside weeping, and her husband knelt at the foot of the bed in sorrow.  Her baby lay in his crib.

A great cry to God, such as had never come from my soul before, went up to God.  She must not die.  She could not die.  I would not have it.  Had not Christ died for her?  Had not God’s healing power been manifested for the others, and should she not likewise be healed?

No words of mine could convey to another soul the cry that was in my heart, and the flame of hatred for death and sickness that the Spirit of God stirred within me.  The very wrath of God seemed to possess my heart.  We called on God, after telephoning and telegraphing believing friends for assistance in prayer.  I rebuked the power of death in the name of Jesus Christ.  In less than an hour we rejoiced to see evidence of returning life.  She was thoroughly healed, and five days later she came to father’s home and joined the family at a Christmas dinner.

My wife, who had been slowly dying for years, and suffering untold agonies, was the last of the four to receive God’s healing touch.  But, oh, ere God’s power came upon her I realized as I never had before the character of consecration God was asking, and that a Christ should give to God.  Day by day death silently stole over her, until the final hours had come.  A brother minister was present.  He went and stood by her bedside, and returning to me with tears in his eyes, said, “Come and walk.”  And together we strolled out into the moonlight.  He said to me: “Brother Lake, be reconciled to the will of God,” meaning by that as most all ministers do, “Be reconciled to let your wife die.”  I thought of my babies.  I thought of her whom I loved as my own soul, and a flame burned in my heart.  I felt as if God had been insulted by such a suggestion.  Yet I had many things to learn.

In the midst of my soul storm I returned to my home, picked my Bible from the mantel piece, threw it on the table.  And if ever God caused a man’s Bible to open to a message that his soul needed, surely He did then for me.  The Book opened at the tenth chapter of Acts, and my eyes fell on the thirty-eight verse, which read: “Jesus Christ, anointed by God of the Holy Ghost, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the DEVIL; for God was with him.”

Like a flash from the blue these words pierced my heart.  “Oppressed of the devil!”  Then God was not the author of sickness, and the people whom Jesus healed had not been made sick by God!  Hastily taking a reference to another portion of the Word, I read again from the words of Jesus in Luke 13: “Ought not this woman * * * whom SATAN HATH BOUND, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond?”  Once again Jesus attributed sickness to the devil.  What a faith sprang up in my heart, and what a flame of intelligence concerning the Word of God and the ministry of Jesus went over my soul.  I saw as never before why Jesus healed the sick.  He was doing the will of His Father, and in doing his Father’s will was destroying the works of the devil.  (Heb. 2:14)

In my soul I said, This work of the devil, this destruction of my wife’s life, in the name of Jesus Christ shall cease, for Christ died and Himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses.

We decided on 9:30 a. m. as an hour when prayer should be offered for her recovers, and again I telephoned and telegraphed friends to join me in prayer at that hour.  At 9:30 I knelt at her dying bed and called on the living God.  The power of God came upon her, thrilling her from head to foot.  Her paralysis was gone, her heart became normal, her cough ceased, her breathing was regular, her temperature was normal.  The power of God was flowing through her person, seemingly like blood flows through the veins.  When I prayed I heard a sound from her lips.  Not the sound of a ????? as formerly, but now a strong, ????? voice, and she cried out, Praise God, I am healed!”  With that ????? caught the bed-clothing, threw them back from her, and in a moment was out on the floor.

What a day!  Will I ever forget it, when the power of God thrilled our souls, and the joy of God possessed our hearts at her recovery!

The news spread throughout the city and the state and the nation.  The newspapers discussed it.  Our home became a center of inquiry.  People traveled for great distances to see her and to talk with her.  She was flooded with letters of inquiry.

A great new light had dawned in our soul.  Our church had diligently taught us that the day of miracles were passed.  Believing thus, eight members of the family had been permitted to die.  But now, with the light of truth flashing in our hearts, we saw that such teaching was a lie, no doubt invented by the devil, and diligently heralded as truth by the church, thus robbing mankind of it’s rightful inheritance through the blood of Jesus.

Others came to our home.  They said: “Since God has healed you, surely He will heal us.  Pray for us.”  We were forced into it.  God answered, and many were healed.  Many years have passed since then, but no day has gone by in which God has not answered prayer.  People have been healed, not by ones and twos, nor by hundreds, or even thousands, but by tens of thousands.  For I have devoted my life, day and night, to this ministry.

In due time God called me to South Africa, where I witnessed such a manifestation of the healing power of God as perhaps the world has not seen since the days of the apostles.  Christian men were baptized in the Holy Ghost and ????? forth in the mighty power of God, proclaiming the name of Jesus, laying their hands on the sick, and they were healed.  Sinners, witnessing these evidences of the power of God, cried out in gladness, and gave themselves to the service of God, like as it was in the days of Jesus, “there was great joy in that city,” and that nation.

Finally, God brought me to Spokane, where we have ministered to from two hundred to five hundred sick per week.  The city is filled with the praises of God because of the blessed manifestation of God’s healing power everywhere.  People have come from one ????? thousand miles for healing.  Some have written letters, other have telegraphed, and some have cabled from half way around the world, for prayer, and God has graciously answered.  Ministers and churches throughout the land have seen that, though the church has taught that the days of miracles only belonged to the times of the apostles, the statement was a falsehood, and that the healing power of God is as available to the honest soul today as it was in the days of Christ on the earth, and that the “gifts and callings of God are without repentance,” and that Jesus is the Healer still.

The Spokesman Review, Sunday, March 3, 1918

The Church at Spokane


Ministrations for the sick at your home if necessary.  Telephone Main 1463.


Ministration by prayer and laying on of hands every weed day from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.   Personal ministration and private interviews.

Tel. Main 1463.

The Church Services



Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.

Church Service, 11 a. m.

Divine Healing, Preaching and Demonstration Meeting, 3 p. m.

Services a the Healing Rooms, Rookery Bldg., 3d floor.

TUESDAY, 8 p. m., Bible Study, Rev. Joseph Osborne.

WEDNESDAY, 8 p. m., Teaching on Divine Healing, Rev. Chas. J. Westwood.

THURSDAY, 2:30 p. m., Divine Healing, Teaching and Testimony Meeting, ,Rev. J. G. Lake.

FRIDAY, 8 p. m., Spiritual Life Lecture, Rev. John G. Lake.

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Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Holy Spirit John G Lake Miracle Healing

John G Lake Diary Entry – Testimonies of Casting out demons

John G Lake Diary Entry – Testimonies of Casting out demons 1910

Thursday Nov. 24, 1910
A remarkable case of casting out a Devil took place after the evening service. A Mr. Cornelious possessed of a devil for about 1-1/2 years said, that in a vision, God shewed him brother Gordon Hinds and said he was to come to our Tabernacle and that brother Hinds and brother Lake would lay hands on him and cast the devil out. We did. As we prayed, he fell backward on top of the platform, then slipped down into a sitting (position) on the floor with his back against the platform the devil caused him to cry out and fight with his fists but in a few minutes, but he was overpowered by the by the Holy Ghost and cast out. Throughout the struggle brother Lake held his head firmly between his hands and at the same time in the name of Jesus commanding the devil to come out which he did. When the Devil was cast out the Glory and praise of Jesus filled his Soul in a few minutes the Holy Ghost had such possession of him. He spoke in Tongues and Praised Jesus. J. G. L.

Monday, Nov. 28, 1910, at 4:00 p.m. I was called by Bro. Hunt to come to his home at once a Woman was in Violent fits of insanity . I hastened to the home as we prayed the dear Lord cast out the insane devils and when I left she was laying quiet and preparing to sleep it was a glorious deliverance the Spirit came upon me giving me a great and intense sense of dominion . Bro. and sister Hunt, and Bro. Rothchild had been praying with her for hours but had not sufficient dominion to cast the devil out. But being encouraged by my presence prayed with great power. The Lord united our hearts in a great unity of faith the woman’s name was Farmer .

Tues., Nov. 29, 1910 I visited Mrs Dockralls rooms at 56 Mosley bldg. Johannesburg overlooking the Market square. The Duke of Comnaught with the Duchess and Princess Patricha were visitors in the city the Duke was laying the cornerstone. 3000 school children dressed in white occupied the grandstand and sang. About 1:00 p.m. we started down stairs to the restaurant. Mrs. Dockrall was in front and was down about 5 or 6 steps, when she was seized with a violent spasm of Pain, her husband took her back to the rooms. I went down and ate dinner and returned to Dockrall’s rooms.
As I started upstairs I was joined by brother Gordon Hinds. We found Mrs. Dockrall suffering violently she was walking about apparently quite insane. We tried to get her to permit us to pray for her but she refused being persuaded she was not responsible for her actions, we took hold
of her, and prayed.

As we prayed, she became prostrated by the Spirit and we laid her on the bed. God answered the violent suffering ceased, but there remained a considerable pain throughout the afternoon. At about 6 p.m. as I prayed the Spirit came upon me intensely. I could feel the Spirit flow down my arm and through my hand into her body. I was praying and as I prayed laid my hands on the afflicted part, she became calm, her Pain ceased at once, and passed under the power of God. Jesus appeared to her and warned her to be brave and strong, that she was not yet entirely delivered that her suffering would return, she remained free from pain and slept till 1 a.m.

When her suffering returned with great violence, in the morning when I came out to breakfast a telegram from Mr. Dockrall my home was at 4 Millbourn Rd., Bertrams, J.H.burg, about 2-1/2 miles from Dockralls, said Helen had bad night come. signed Ben Dockrall. I hastened down, prayed again the intense suffering ceased at 10 a.m. A most violent attack came upon her she begged me to get her morphine, to bring a Dr. etc. I refused and fought the Devil with all my Power at the end of 1 hour I sent for her brother in law, to call the saints to prayer for her at about 12 p.m. Mrs.

Dockrall suddenly became conscious turned to me as I knelt at her bedside and said the Spirit of the Lord is upon you and instantly I realized it was. Again the healing virtue flowed through me again her Pain ceased. Again Jesus came in a vision to her with a Sword in His hand fighting enemies She asked the Lord, “why do you need a sword?”… “why do you have to fight?” The Lord said “for You!” when the Spirit of God left her the peace and glory of God remained upon her. I called again at night with brother Powell and found her recovering.

Dec. 1, 1910 In the afternoon I called on Mrs. Dockrall and found her almost entirely well and we Praised God.


John G Lake Miracle Healing

John G Lake on Casting out Demons

In my name shall they cast out Devils – John G Lake

On the following night a young man came to me inquiring, “do you believe that motto up there?” pointing to a painted motto in large letters on the wall. It was. “In my name shall they cast out Devils”. I said yes Brother, I do.
He said “are you sure, for I am in earnest?”
I replied “My Brother. with all the earnestness of my soul I do.”

“Well” he replied “I have a Brother in the asylum. He has been there two years and the doctors cannot give us any hope, or in fact, seem to be at a loss for the reason for his conditon.”

I then inquired under what circumstances his brother had went in. He told me that the brother had been attending a revival meeting and was seeking sanctification, and was a religious man who had trained his family in the fear of the Lord. That he had suddenly went insane, then they had to put him in the asylum and his family were in great financial distress.

The Spirit of the Lord impressed on me it was a case of devil possession, and we arranged the Brother should be brought to the meeting on Sunday afternoon. He came in charge of his Brother, his sister and an attendant. He came at once and was persuaded to kneel at the altar. I then called a number of Saints whom I knew to be vigorous in faith for healing and casting out of demons. Brother & sister Flower, their Son Roswell, Miss Alice Reynolds, and others. Then I stepped down put my hands on his head and rebuked, bound, and cast the devil out. He was instantly delivered and sat up quietly.

Three days after he was discharged from the asylum and went home well, returned to his work in a grain elevator. Four months afterward. his mother, sister, and brother returned to the Mission to praise God, saying he was perfectly, permanently delivered. The power to cast out demons continues to abide upon me.

From John G Lake’s Life and Diary – Talbert Morgan(somewhere between 1907-1910 in Idianapolis)

Talbert Morgan
AuthorHouse, 2005 – Religion – 188 pages
The life & diary of John G. Lake is a tremendous revelation into John G. Lake’s spirit & soul. Without this book which actually shows his hand written diary, it will be very difficult for us to know John G. Lake or understand him as a person.
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John G Lake

John G Lake on Christians

…..Christians as a rule are covered with shadows, with fears, and doubts. That is not the realm of God at all. That is the realm of darkness.

Christianity lives in the light. Christianity lives in the glory. Christianity lives in the power of God, in the eternal presence of God. And it is that consciousness of God in union with him that gives to the soul strength and assurance and confidence and helps the soul to go on its way, regardless of conditions and circumstances, so that he is not being governed by this thing or that, but by the faith of God.

Instead of conditions controlling him, he is controlling conditions. That is the power of God.
John G Lake 1922