Documented Healings By God

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Andrew Wommack Ministires Miracle Healing

Multiple Sclerosis Miracle Healing

Check out this amazing healing testimony from Andrew Womack Ministries. Merci Santos was almost totally incapacitated but is now 100% healed by Jesus! Her healing wan’t instant but her faith continued to believe that her healing would come, and she never stopped believing no matter what it looked like in the natural, she believed God’s Word! What a great testimony of someone growing in her belief and standing on God’s truth. Yay God!!

Andrew Wommack Ministires Child Birth Miracles Miracle Healing

Stillborn Baby Raised to Life and Healed in 4 days!

Stillborn Baby Raised to Life after born dead!

The Power of the tongue!
Check out this great testimony from Andrew Wommack Ministries.

After 27 hours in labor, Kelly-Anne’s body was still not ready for the delivery, but she felt it was time push anyway and called for help. After some struggle, their baby was delivered—stillborn. The extended delivery time coupled with a pair of morphine injections had left the Esau’s son limp, blue, breathless, lifeless.The delivery room staff went into a frenzy, trying to resuscitate baby Esau. As Junaid and Kelly-Anne tried to process what was happening, conflict rose in Junaid’s heart. Faced with the scene in the hospital, he struggled to reconcile what he could see, with what he knew to be true…that God had blessed the Esaus with a son.”[Thoughts] went from a joy and a peace, to where what I saw (the nurses frantically busy with Ben) started encroaching on that—I almost felt helpless. Then, I chose the side of God, and I took my eyes off the situation, and focused on the Lord,” Junaid said.

The couple made their stand. Junaid declared that they would have a perfectly normal baby boy, and Kelly-Anne began to speak life over the baby, prophesying that he would live and not die, and calling out the things that he would accomplish one day. God’s Peace flooded the Esaus after their declaration. As the hospital staff continued to scramble, Junaid called his pastor, Andrew Lamb. After explaining the situation, Junaid asked for prayer. As Pastor Lamb brought his prayer to a close, and the two said amen, the baby’s chest rose, filling with his first breath.

Benjamin Esau was alive, but he was not out of the woods yet… Junaid was emboldened by the presence and peace of God in their situation, and he accompanied his son to the neonatal ICU. It was his intention to protect Benjamin from any negativity that could be spoken over him. As the doctors examined Benjamin, his body behaved erratically, and his prognosis was discouraging. Because of the duration of the labor and the baby’s lack of oxygen, he was diagnosed with Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) a condition that may cause developmental delay, mental retardation, cerebral palsy or death. When he was diagnosed, Benjamin’s test results indicated he was in a near vegetative state. As Junaid processed the information he was given, he asked the doctor to clarify that the cause of his son’s problems came from severely damaged brain cells. The doctor affirmed Junaid’s conclusion. Then, Junaid thanked the doctor, walked over to his son and in front of the medical staff (still working feverishly to help Benjamin) put his hand on him and spoke to his son’s brain cells. Junaid commanded life, wholeness and healing into his son’s body, in Jesus’ name. Within four days, all measurable signs of the HIE and brain damage were gone.

Andrew Wommack Ministires Child Birth Miracles Documented Heart healing Miracle Healing

Amazing healing testimony! Baby’s heart restored by documented miracle.

God heals a baby’s heart through the love of God and the faith of her parents-Amazing!

This is one of our top posts added to the site in January of 2013 and worth re-posting for anyone who missed it. It’s an amazing story of faith. As Laury and I minister on the streets and in the marketplace each day, we are learning to stand on God’s truth with an unwavering faith that is compelled to believe God’s love is greater than any sickness, no matter what our eyes may witness. As a result we are becoming more bold in knowing God’s will to heal, stepping out further in faith, and Jesus responds with greater and greater miracles. The story below exemplifies the kind of faith that inspires us to believe. May we all grow in such a faith!

Jamie Scott remembers how her mother introduced her to Andrew’s teachings. Her mother had said, “He explains things so simply. The Bible really comes to life.” That was enough information to pique Jamie’s interest, and she went online to and checked for herself. She was astounded at what she was able to read and learn on the website, and immediately ordered some books and teaching CDs

Audrey Scott Baby 1

Jamie was raised in church, yet her understanding of God was limited; she had many unanswered questions about how to relate to God. One morning, Jamie sat down and began to read Andrew’s, True Nature of God. As she read, she realized that the scriptural teaching

in the book answered all of her questions. “My life changed. I was hooked,” Jamie said. From that point, Jamie began an on-going process of developing a deeper relationship with her Heavenly Father.

Three years ago, following a normal pregnancy, Jamie gave birth to her second child, Audrey. At first glance the baby appeared to be perfectly healthy, and she and her husband, Tom were excited to have a baby girl. The doctors however, were having a hard time keeping Audrey pink, so they took her to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Audrey Scott Baby 2There, the doctors determined that part of the baby’s heart was missing and that there were no major arteries flowing from the heart to the lungs. The baby was then moved to a different hospital in the city known for its outstanding cardiac care.

Jamie remembers an anger rising up on the inside of her and she felt the Holy Spirit remind her of what she had learned from Andrew’s teaching. At the next opportunity she had to see baby Audrey, she laid her hands on her and commanded Audrey’s heart to be there, and spoke 1 Peter 2:24 over her, “…By whose stripes you were healed.” Even though she was looking at her tiny, pale baby, wired from head to toe, Jamie felt a peace come over her as she prayed.

When she returned to her own hospital room that evening, Jamie heard the Holy Spirit say, “Watch me work.” Jamie knew her sense of peace was coming from her relationship with the Father—knowing Him, and what His word says. “I would have never known that if I had continued going to the church that I was attending prior to finding Andrew’s ministry, because they never taught that God wants you well.”

Once again prompted by the Holy Spirit, Jamie called the helpline at Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM) in order to have a prayer minister agree with her in prayer. Her faith was strengthened as she heard the authority with which the minister spoke healing and health over Audrey. Later that day, when the specialists delivered the grim news about the poor life expectancy of her baby girl, Jamie stood firmly on the truth, knowing her God did not create these problems, and that He had made Audrey whole.

The following morning, Jamie called the hospital to check on her baby and the nurse told her that things had changed. During the night, the cardiologist had given Audrey another echogram in preparation for an upcoming surgery.

When they did the echogram, they saw that Audrey’s heart was completely formed. Jamie got off the phone with tears running down her face and told Tom, “They see her heart.”
The Scott’s rejoiced, knowing that it wasn’t the doctors that had done anything for Audrey, but God. “I knew my God was there and His hand was in it, and He showed them [the nurses and doctors] that there is a higher power.”

When Jamie and Tom met with the doctors to discuss the new test results, they were told that there was still a “crinkle” in her aorta, and that a small surgery would take care of the issue. But once again, Jamie stood on God’s word as she thought to herself, “My God’s not going to do anything halfway,

He’ll complete the whole thing, and she will not need surgery.” Jamie was right, and it was during this experience that she realized that coming to know God, through the revelation she had received, was invaluable.

Audrey Scott Bed

One week to the day after Jamie gave birth to Audrey, she walked through the door of her home with her beautiful, perfectly healthy baby girl in her arms. The phrase, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” had continually come into Jamie’s mind over the course

of the week she had spent in the hospital. “He does not do anything halfway. He is a good God and a faithful Father,” Jamie said. Today, Audrey is a healthy, vibrant three-year-old

.Audrey Scott Family


You can visit Andrew Wommack’s ministry site here:

Click Here for Articles & More Healing!

Andrew Wommack Ministires Bones healed by prayer miracle Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Miracle Healing

Walking by faith not by sight – one man believed and received his healing.

Watch Richard Waller’s amazing physical and spiritual transformation by God.

According to his doctors, Richard Waller was just a few short years away from permanent dependence upon a wheelchair and a pacemaker to assist his ever-weakening body and heart. He was living in constant chronic pain, suffering from two prolapsed disks, spina bifida, degenerative disc disorder, sciatica, arthritis, calcium deposits, and a heart condition called, arterial fibrillation.

Andrew Wommack Ministires Body parts restored by documented miracle Internal Physical Healing Miracle Healing Paralyzed documented miracles

Restored From Massive Stroke: Full Medically Documented Healing Miracle

This is an amazing Medical Miracle story of God’s Power to heal that you don’t want to miss!

Many people say that God’s healing power is not real because many Miracles lack medical proof. As we have seen, often healing miracles go undocumented simply because many times, the person healed no longer needs medical treatment or confirmation from a Doctor to realize they can walk again, or that all their pain is now gone from a past injury. At that point, they/we are often so happy that they/we are healed, they/we don’t feel the need to spend a couple hundred dollars for a doctor just to tell them what they already know (they/we have been healed).

Let’s be honest, would you really need a doctor to tell you what you already know and see? In the case of a terminal disease, yes of course we would want confirmation, and there are many, many miracles of such cases documented around the globe, yet I’m amazed that I still hear people saying there is “no proof” of healing today. It’s almost as if some people won’t believe no matter what proof is provided. If you are one of those folks, you should enjoy this testimony about Allen and Debbie Moore – It’s a great testimony to share!

You can also see the full story here:

Andrew Wommack Ministires Child Birth Miracles Miracle Healing

Child in womb diagnosed with Down Syndrome, born healthy!

Down syndrome pregnancy completely healed!

This testimony touched me personally because it’s so similar to the testimony regarding one of my own daughters. In the 1980’s at an early pregnancy check up, late on a Friday afternoon, we were told there were strong indications/results that our daughter would be born with down syndrome.

If that news wasn’t shocking enough, it was also strongly recommended by the nurses that we terminate the pregnancy.

Wow, what started as an exciting afternoon, came to a screeching halt. I think I literally had difficulty exhaling hoping what I heard wasn’t real.

The overwhelming news shocked our world and having drifted from God at the time, this still caused us terrible distress to consider such a harsh recommendation.

Even though someone we trusted and respected was strongly recommending termination, and even though such a horrible option seemed somewhat socially acceptable to consider in that decade, I believe the spirit of God deep inside us told us that an abortion was wrong.

After four days of what I believe was a “spiritual battle” for our daughters very life, we decided to trust in God and had great peace about the decision to keep the baby. Although I had peace (no doubt from God not my own means), if I’m honest, I can admit it didn’t seem like my faith was very strong back then and I was actually prepared for the worst. I’m so grateful that we had friends who prayed, and stood in the gap with their own prayers and strong faith….so grateful.

Today, I’m happy to say my daughter is now a healthy, beautiful, brilliant grown up woman who graduated from Grad School with honors, and currently embarking on her own faith building journey called life…..God is so good!!

Check out this similar story of another miracle healing by Jesus, from Steve and Holly Trover through Andrew Wommack Ministries:

Steve & Holly’s Healing
 Steve and Holly Trover waited excitedly for the results of the ultrasound exam that would reveal the gender of the child they were expecting. Steve was elated to hear the report that they were going to have a baby girl. The Trover’s already had two handsome young sons, and in their eyes, the addition of a daughter would complete their family nicely.

As time progressed and their three beautiful children, Joshua, Luke and Chloe grew, Holly chose to capture the joy of motherhood by having a professional portrait taken of the children. She had the portrait framed and with deep satisfaction hung it on the wall in their family room. The Trover family was content.

2 years later, in 2008, Steve like many business owners began to see the economy slow. As a result he turned to the Lord and began to seek His wisdom for their business. As he prayed for God’s direction, the Lord began to impress on Steve’s heart that they were to have another child. This was not quite the guidance Steve was seeking. Steve resisted sharing the news with his wife for a couple of months until finally, one night while working at his computer, God said it was time to tell her.

Although Holly was completely surprised by Steve’s news, the two conceived their fourth child almost immediately.

Several months into the pregnancy, when the time came for Holly to have her second ultrasound, the doctor delivered some devastating news. After careful measurement and calculation the doctor said that there were several factors that clearly indicated that the baby would be born with Down syndrome. The doctor went on to show the Trover’s in detail what led her to the diagnosis. Before leaving the room, the doctor went as far as to talk about possible termination of the pregnancy through abortion.

Termination of the pregnancy was not an option for Scott and Holly.

The enemy had come to steal from Steve and Holly, but they stood their ground. Drawing on the revelation they had received from Andrew’s teaching in their church small group, and knowing that it was God who spoke to them about having another child, they refused to believe that this was God’s plan for their baby. In the face of this negative report of a medical reality in the natural, Steve, standing on faith in God’s word, took his authority and rejected the diagnosis. “I cancel this diagnosis in the name of Jesus. We don’t believe these things that were spoken over our child and we don’t accept it…” Steve rebuked.

Several months later the Trover’s returned to the doctor’s office for another ultrasound. The couple entered the examining room determined to see different results. After a long time passed, the doctor finally spoke and said that if this had been the first time that she had seen this baby, she would have told the Trover’s that their baby was perfect in every way. However, in disbelief, the doctor continued to take measurements. Finally, exasperated, the doctor threw up her hands; she couldn’t offer any explanation for the transformation she saw in the Trover’s baby.