What was the purpose of the Old Testament versus the New Testament? ….”sin was revealed and brought into the light of our consciousness, through the law of the Old Testament”
In other words, sin was revealed and brought into the light of our consciousness, through the law. Without the law, no one would know what a sinful state we were born into after the original fall of Adam and Eve. The “law” and our consistent inability to follow it while in our fallen state, brought to light the depth of our sinful nature found within our “old man” which every man is born into since the fall of Adam and Eve. This is why every man must be born again as a “new creation in Christ”, and “put off the old” nature.
That is and was, the turning point between the Law of the Old Testament, and the Mercy of the New Testament and means all the sacrifices of the old testament were no longer desired by God because the law of the old testament was fulfilled through mercy and grace of the Father who sent His son. In doing so, the sacrifice of Jesus replaced the old covenant, with a better covenant, as scripture states, “once and for all” (for the very last time, for all of us).