Awesome Testimonies of two young men healed:
One of back pain injury and the other of a detached knee cap! ….they were so filled with the love of God, that they gave their lives to Jesus!!
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Documented Healings By God
Best Documented Healing Miracle Site
Documented Healings By God
Awesome Testimonies of two young men healed:
One of back pain injury and the other of a detached knee cap! ….they were so filled with the love of God, that they gave their lives to Jesus!!
For anyone out there that doesn’t believe this, I have learned from experience that once you understand who you are in Christ and how much God unconditionally loves us, any born again Spirit filled christain can do this. Untill I learned these truths and that about 99% of the new testiment is past tense I was just saved and stuck in religious motions (powerless and full of doubt and unbelief )God’s word is true every bit of it and Jesus said we can do the same things He did and even greater. I have seen cancer , merca, carpal tunnel, alzimers,back pain, migraines, etc. Eraticated in Jesus name. Keep up the good work brother Tom Fischer fulfilling your calling.